Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why I hate Australians

Do Australians actually have any redeeming qualities. Don't say you know a nice Australian - a good bloke - because I bet he has been living in West London for 15 years, and his parents were born in England. He doesn't count.

They live in a beautful country, with an excellent climate, a whole continent to explore. They have a reasonable standard of living, love a barbie and a beer, and a dip in their swimming pools.

They have no political enemies living on their borders, and would be the country most likely to survive and thrive after a nuclear holocaust.

So why are Aussies such wankers. Racist, ignorant, stupid - genetically thick, close-minded, sport obsessed, soap watching morons. With an Aussie, everthing has to come down to the lowest common denominator.

They single handedly humiliated, subjugated, and destroyed their indigenous peoples.
They offer nothing to the world in terms of technical or scientific advancement - not even a good sun bloc!!

They scream and cry and debate endlessely about the only thing that registers on their political radar, and thats immigration - convienently forgetting that they serve as one of the best examples of how mass immigration supplants and destroyed an indigenous culture - through numbers and force of arms alone in a few generations.

I hope that twenety million Vietnamese boat people manage to land in Australia. Payback's a bitch.

The cricket fans among us will know that the Ashes are currently being contetsted. The England team have only been in Australia for three days, and already, their british born Sikh bowler is being abused for no other reason other then he is brown. The same happened to the South African black pace bowler Ntini, when he was there a few months earlier.

So I have had enough.
If you are Australian and reading this blog - FUCK OFF! I hate all of you, without exception.

If you are not Australian and reading this blog, remember what I have said when you are meeting an Australian. Your intention should be soley to humiliate and embarrass. Remember it' s okay to say what you want because we all know the Aussies love to banter. If they get offended, remember to say fair dinkum and move on to your next target. If it helps refer to their geneology and the fact that they really are the spawn of scum. I know its a cliche, but trust me, it really works. Also, ask them how long they have been visiting the UK, and when they intend to return. If they have stayed here for longer then six months, ask to see their visa. Take down their details and report them to the authorities. Make them feel like an illegal immigrant.

The Yanks are bad enough - but at least they can say "we are the richest country in the world", or " we have the biggest army in the world" or " we run the world". They have some substance to base their arrogance and superiority. Aussies have nothing apart from a sun tan, a few swimmers and a cricket team. A nation, a people, a culture that amounts to nothing and never will.

Watch out Aussies - I'm a coming!!!!!!!


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igotlife said...
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Anonymous said...

We haven't really helped ourselves though...Think about it, all them years ago we sent all our criminals over there coz we didn't have another option, so we kinda help populate Oz anyway! It's payback on us...But I do agree they are a pain in the arse!

Chairmanofthebored said...

I'm findng this post rather offensive and full of hatred - the very thing that incensed our irate blogger. I don't think the "can't beat them, join them" attitude helps the debate. I agree with lottery loverat that most come from outside the city which applies to the UK also. We all have prejudicial tendencies so it's hyprocritical to denounce and offend in the same verse. Would it not have been better to appeal to our Australian friends so they contribute to the debate rather than alienate and perhaps fuel the issue?

As Marvin said - only love can conquer hate

Anonymous said...

i love this post. it really helped calm me that someone shares my utter disdain for aussies. we have one living her getting disability checks and popping out more kids than she can afford. i can not stand her and she just pisses and moans all the time about her sad life. enough. go back to australia and see how well they take care of your "sick" non-sick ass.

Anonymous said...

"genetically thick..."

Hmmmm... the majority of white Australians are descendents of the English, no?

As for Anonymous whose parents "came here from Europe", it's never too late to go live in Europe yourself. If you dislike it so much here, why stay??

Anonymous said...

I'm an Aussie. I think you are being a little harsh.

Anonymous said...

It makes me feel better to see I'm not alone in my hatred for Australia.

Anonymous said...

I just have come across this blog, though it was written some time ago.... It is not your opinion that bothers me so much as your complete ignorance and factually incorrect ranting.... I'll best address in point form.

Soap Watching: We have two soaps in all of Australia. H&A and Neighbours. two. They are not even that popular really and are watched much much more in the UK and Ireland. The UK are indeed obessed with them; Coronation Street, Doctors, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks... i could go on.

"We destroyed an indigenous culture through numbers and force of arms alone in a few generations": Your critism of Australias relationship with indingeous Australias would be valid, and has ground. If not for that point.

These first few generations you refer to... well infact all these people were Englishman, Born in England. Australia was in fact goverened by the English for the first 120years of it's existance. A critism of Aboriginal policy post 1906 is perhaps valid. Needlessly to say, genocide massacare, subdegation.. ALL took place before then on YOUR watch mate. As it took place in every country the british colonised. We inherinted your rascist policies as a precedent... which sadly we had taken all too long to reverse.

technical or scientific advancement: Australia for a small population does very well in this regard. What have we invented? just a list of a few things here;

The bionic ear (Cochlea implant
Wave-piercing catamaran
The first practical ultrasound device
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Pencillin (yes research in Oxford... but by an AUSTRALIAN)
The fastest swimming technique (freestlye)
The first pacemaker device
oh and a very good suncream.. known as Zinc Cream.

Finally, immigration You falsely immply that we are some island fortress with a homogeneous population. 25% of australians are infact born overseas (from many different countries) compared to your 10%. Immigration policy is strikingly similiar to the UK, if not more liberal.

I will not argue on your attitudes that we are rascist. That is subjective. I'm glad however to hear that you think that the UK is a great bastion of tolerance.

You are clearly a poor misguided ignorant man. You have not a clue what you are talking about. Critising us for shortcommings that are equally, if not more applicable to the UK. Your blog is entirely highly rascist... , yet in the same breath you call us bigots and racists. Yet you are not rascist? If you are not rascist, then surely sir you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I just have come across this blog, though it was written some time ago.... It is not your opinion that bothers me so much as your complete ignorance and factually incorrect ranting.... I'll best address in point form.

Soap Watching: We have two soaps in all of Australia. H&A and Neighbours. two. They are not even that popular really and are watched much much more in the UK and Ireland. The UK are indeed obessed with them; Coronation Street, Doctors, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks... i could go on.

"We destroyed an indigenous culture through numbers and force of arms alone in a few generations": Your critism of Australias relationship with indingeous Australias would be valid, and has ground. If not for that point.

These first few generations you refer to... well infact all these people were Englishman, Born in England. Australia was in fact goverened by the English for the first 120years of it's existance. A critism of Aboriginal policy post 1906 is perhaps valid. Needlessly to say, genocide massacare, subdegation.. ALL took place before then on YOUR watch mate. As it took place in every country the british colonised. We inherinted your rascist policies as a precedent... which sadly we had taken all too long to reverse.

technical or scientific advancement: Australia for a small population does very well in this regard. What have we invented? just a list of a few things here;

The bionic ear (Cochlea implant
Wave-piercing catamaran
The first practical ultrasound device
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Pencillin (yes research in Oxford... but by an AUSTRALIAN)
The fastest swimming technique (freestlye)
The first pacemaker device
oh and a very good suncream.. known as Zinc Cream.

Finally, immigration You falsely immply that we are some island fortress with a homogeneous population. 25% of australians are infact born overseas (from many different countries) compared to your 10%. Immigration policy is strikingly similiar to the UK, if not more liberal.

I will not argue on your attitudes that we are rascist. That is subjective. I'm glad however to hear that you think that the UK is a great bastion of tolerance.

You are clearly a poor misguided ignorant man. You have not a clue what you are talking about. Critising us for shortcommings that are equally, if not more applicable to the UK. Your blog is entirely highly rascist... , yet in the same breath you call us bigots and racists. Yet you are not rascist? If you are not rascist, then surely sir you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Lol at the australian guy hating australia, you live in perth, no wonder you hate it! Move to a real city and start to enjoy yourself. So we killed off the aboriginal's when we arrived did we? Funny how we were english back then, so really the english fucked over them over. Trust whiney english men hating the aussies, you live in a permanently grey clouded and depressing freezeing shit whole of a country. Thanks for sending us here!

matthew said...

Shut up and sit down Moits... I live in a so-called real city - Melbourne - and concluded that Australia, or at least Victoria, is bulshit. Technologically backward, culturally devoid, lacking in human intelligence. I am ethnic Chinese, born and bred in Singapore, a place not fully democratic but definitely multi-cultural. I don't watch cricket nor footy and thus you can't say that my views are related to the adversarial mentality of an English cricket fan.


The broadband here is slow as the Aussies dimwits; their public transport dates back to the 70s and begs repair and upgrades; the government spent 240million on a stupid ticketing system called MyKi but still could not implement it. Singapore had a similar one and is in use island wide since 2002. Even Mexican American Sol Trujillo said Australia is backward.


Everyone goes off early on Friday to the pub for loads of beer. Shout out footy chants when some well-built criminals run around a stupid oval chasing after a olive-shaped ball with their hands and legs all at once. Aussies rugby players are a disgrace too. Went to New Zealand and literally gang-raped a girl. Ben Cousins, stupid drug abuser who raises his middle finger for no good reason is the most admired footy player by young aussie boys. What a joke. Men get drunk in the pub and staggers out onto the streets to knock each other unconscious.. or go off to the quiet suburbs and prey on Indian chaps who were only returning home after a hard day of slogging...

Lacking in human intelligence:

It's well-known that Aussies can't count. Go to any casino in Australia and observe those pensioners at the black jack tables. They can't even add up 21 points! They need the groupier to do it for them!

Captain Dingles said...

Unfortunately I cannot dispute a lot of your arguments. Australia is culturally isolated and does not have the population to support a great transportation system or broadband, running cables across the desert for only a few people is inherently expensive.

However, I conclude from reading these posts that you all conform to your stereotype as well. Larger lout, Chav WINGING POMS!

Spend your time getting an education or doing some volunteer work if you find you have spare time on your hands.

mmm turns out I have a few good english friends ... maybe you're not all monkeys after all ... soccer riot anyone?

Anonymous said...

It's a shame we have to be Anon but Australians are so patriotic that they wouldn't hesitate to come and stone your house if they knew you had issues with the country. My points of view are biased towards the commenter with European parents ... my situation was the same and don't worry, yes, I am making my plans to leave this destitute cultural wasteland.

Australians have an irritating accent. It is worse then any shrill twang, a cow has more finesse when it makes noise.

Australians are generally thick. Per proportion of the population they are quite stupid, and this is obvious by their mass media, even their marginal media.

Dull, let's face it, Australians don't have a lot to think about. Mowing the lawn. Washing the car. Watching Sport re-runs. Mimicking Americans. Not much there I am afraid.

Australians are unadventurous mentally. Physically they are dare-devils, mentally they are Opium Eaters.

Australians can't, generally write. Australians lack any history of thought and therefore suffer a lack of any real present of thought.

Australians can't make films. Australia represents about 3% of the film market and most of the local scenes are made up of fat, receding guys who wear caps. These guys stand-about with their arms puffed out like Dumb Waiters trying to squeeze out the cork of an idea whilst making pow-pow noises to mimic gunshots and explosions.

Australians generally can't dress. On the whole Australian males have adopted the checkered shirt and jeans as a national uniform, the women have a crack at fashion trends but fail because they just don't get it.

The BBQ is a myth. Australians are more likely to either boil some two minute noodles, oven heat some crumbed fish, or eat McDonalds then have a BBQ let alone use a BBQ properly and cook decent food on it.

Australians have little vision besides American Television.

Australians are cowards. They can't stand new web technology. It took them years to trust Ebay. Queensland residents refuse to embrace daylight savings because they fear their curtains will fade. Most Australians are terrified of any fresh ideas or alternative ways of living. They still think anything that falls out of their norm as being freakish and weird.

Homosexuality as a standardisation of some human lifestyle is still relatively new a concept to most Australians.

Australians at heart are essentially a violent and cruel society that pretends not to be, hiding most of its racism and hate behind closed doors. Another cowardly trait.

Australia has very little beautiful architecture, the landscape is drab, the suburban sprawl depressing and uninviting. The culture lacks any real excitement. Australians are not a passionate or romantic people, they are nasally challenged philistines with still a severe Tall Poppy syndrome.

There, that should do for now. There is plenty more but really in the end the country will settle into a flat uninspiring mass of inertia and just hang that way forevermore.

Anonymous said...

i just discovered this blog.
i am australian and i thought it was hilarious.

as if you could be bothered bitching and moaning about another country that the majority of you don't know anything about.

my favourite part is when australians leave commits about how much they hate other australians, well guess what losers.. you guys are australians and if you don't like it, LEAVE!

and all you other countries bad mouthing australia, well all i can say is you sound pretty JEALOUS.


China said...

This guy cracks me up. He's English, right?

Anonymous said...

Most outdated and pot-calling-kettle term ever?? 'Whinging Pom'

Ever heard an Aussie say anything remotely positive about England or the English? NO!

Ever heard an Aussie shouting about how amazing it is back home and how the weather's better etc etc?? OF COURSE YOU FUKIN HAVE!!

Whinging Aussies dominate boozers all over West London, and all they talk about is sport, convincing themselves they are better than the English at everything.

Well: Fine art, engineering, architecture, film-making, writing, comedy, universities, musicians, design, medicine, science, theatre, exploration, sailing and - fuk it - Olympic sports! You don't even register on the radar compared to England, my friends. So keep on shouting about cricket!!

:) From English Chav!

Anonymous said...

the science bit is completely wrong, it is well known in the scientific community that Australia has some of the best researchers in the world and have made some of the biggest technological advancements in the modern world. For Australia's population they make a lager impact on the world than any other country and for that reason I think you are wrong.

Captain Dingles said...

I am an Australian, despite the previous post, some of are literate. Please sir, go to school and learn to write. You are embarrassing us down here :-( *Shakes head*

Just a few points check *are --> our*
*you is already plural no need for you's and besides, the apostrophe means ownership such as douchebag's blog*

*There, their and they're are 3 different words.*

*Obama doesn't descend from slaves, his father was from Kenya*

*"You know what i dont hardly see" <-- where to begin with that sentence*

mmm, why am I wasting my time?

Not all Australians are represented by this moron. If you are skilled and happy to work hard, he have plenty of room. I work with international students who get jobs as lawyers and doctors they're not stealing any jobs you are going to be applying for.

Hilary said...

I'm an Australian but my parents are British (I hold British citizenship). I agree with most of what you say. I moved to the middle east to get away from the people and married a Kuwaiti. I wouldn't be sad if I returned to Australia to find everyone of them gone.

Benjamin Walker said...

This is the best blog post i've ever read. You have totally articulated my thoughts.

The worst thing is when they go on about how amazing australia is, well if its sooooooo great, fuck off back home then...

Another thing that really annoys me is how they all go on about how much more social australians are, how everyone speaks to everyone in 'oz,' and British people in contrast are anti-social and never want to talk. Ever wondered why? Because nobody wants to speak to an Aussie twat.

I hate Aussies, and I think it's acceptable seeing as they think its perfectly acceptably to be racist and xenophobic towards almost all other races.

Brandon G. said...

I gotta agree with you. Considering I lived around Australians for 7 years of my life, I realised they could be total cunts a lot of the time. Although I did know some Australians who challenged that stereotype and stood out. The only thing I like about Australia is Nick Cave. Other than that, nothing.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree Australians have their plus and negative points. I have to admit both English and Australians take there sport bit to seriously and this is how we clash and tend to be over competitive when playing e.g the Ashes and Rugby.

I lived in Australia for a year and was put off by some Australian people. Id like to start with there police what a bunch of useless people they are supposed to represent law and order and for what i saw were a bunch of monkeys with guns and batons.

Ive seen from Australian guys beating there girlfriends up in the middle of the street. Also lived with an ozzie who treated his girlfriend like dirt of a shoe while joking about it to us!.

I had an ozzie go ape due to the fact he could not accept the England found australia or well occupied it after the aborginals. Its history read some books! We all know most australians descend from criminals aswell as good people from england and ireland but why do some australians hate to accept this and call us the POM'S.

Also seems immigration has gone to pot over here in the U.K aswell as Australia went to sydney and thought I was in back in Asia! Seems australia no longer wants english people immigrating their anymore unless you have a skilled trade or work on a seasonal farm for 3 months to get a 2nd year visa which is a bit harsh.

clickandsave said...

Just to correct your post

Australia is ranked 4th on the standard of living index. way above the UK and USA.

whatevs said...

Robert, I think you're referring to the 'Nigger Brown' stand in Toowoomba, which was named after a white player...Nigger was his nickname. Not politically correct, but certainly not in any way meant to initially disrepect the indigenous people. I do believe that the same man who lobbied for the stand to be renamed also wanted Coon cheese to be renamed. I could be wrong. I did meet him once on a story, he was a nice bloke.

In regards to Anon:

"Australians are generally thick. Per proportion of the population they are quite stupid, and this is obvious by their mass media, even their marginal media."

I have two degrees and a masters. I also went through the private school system. I'm a professional.

"Dull, let's face it, Australians don't have a lot to think about. Mowing the lawn. Washing the car. Watching Sport re-runs. Mimicking Americans. Not much there I am afraid."

You've obviously really gone out and explored Australia, haven't you?

"Australians can't, generally write. Australians lack any history of thought and therefore suffer a lack of any real present of thought."

Ok...so we have never had any mass media or Australian authors ie Bryce Courtney...Thomas Kenneally etc etc?

"Australians can't make films. Australia represents about 3% of the film market and most of the local scenes are made up of fat, receding guys who wear caps. These guys stand-about with their arms puffed out like Dumb Waiters trying to squeeze out the cork of an idea whilst making pow-pow noises to mimic gunshots and explosions."

Hahaha I'll wear that. Although there are a few good ones about. Tarantino likes our 70s exploitation!

"Australians generally can't dress. On the whole Australian males have adopted the checkered shirt and jeans as a national uniform, the women have a crack at fashion trends but fail because they just don't get it"

Were you here in the 90s? I had the same gripe. Men have polished up and become quite metrosexual now.

"The BBQ is a myth. Australians are more likely to either boil some two minute noodles, oven heat some crumbed fish, or eat McDonalds then have a BBQ let alone use a BBQ properly and cook decent food on it."

Not at my house, or any of my friends houses. It's a regular weekend past-time.

"Australians are cowards. They can't stand new web technology. It took them years to trust Ebay. Queensland residents refuse to embrace daylight savings because they fear their curtains will fade. Most Australians are terrified of any fresh ideas or alternative ways of living. They still think anything that falls out of their norm as being freakish and weird."

Daylight savings in QLD was rejected due to increased daylight affecting farming conditions out in the west.

"Homosexuality as a standardisation of some human lifestyle is still relatively new a concept to most Australians."

Most of my friends are gay.

"Australians at heart are essentially a violent and cruel society that pretends not to be, hiding most of its racism and hate behind closed doors. Another cowardly trait."

Racism is a problem. It goes both ways though. I don't think it's any different to any other city.

"Australia has very little beautiful architecture, the landscape is drab, the suburban sprawl depressing and uninviting. The culture lacks any real excitement. Australians are not a passionate or romantic people, they are nasally challenged philistines with still a severe Tall Poppy syndrome."

Where exactly did you go travelling in Australia????? Did you visit the desert...or the tropics of Port Douglas...or the beaches of QLD/Northern NSW? Very different scenery.

ST said...

I’m Australian, and I would like it to be known that at least some of us have some semblance of good spelling and grammar. I have an IQ of 149, and I’m 17. We’re not all stupid.

As for the accusations of racism, I’m Indian and I’ve been living in Sydney since I was 4, and have never experienced racism first-hand. Of course if you go to rural areas, it’s a whole different story, but name a country that doesn’t have discriminatory bigots in the country. It’s not like it’s particularly specific to Australia.

“Queensland residents refuse to embrace daylight savings because they fear their curtains will fade.”

They don’t have daylight saving because they’re a highly agricultural state, and daylight saving would make it hard for them. It’s called having some consideration.

“Australians can't, generally write. Australians lack any history of thought and therefore suffer a lack of any real present of thought.”

There are plenty of writers. Sorry if we haven’t been around as a country long enough for them to have died and become posthumously famous. Also, I love how in that same statement where you accuse us of being unable to write, you display your own illiteracy.

“Australians can't make films. Australia represents about 3% of the film market”

America’s population is 305 million. Europe’s population is 830 million. Australia’s population is 20 million. If you’re not too stupid to do a little arithmetic, we should supposedly only be representing 1.75% of any industry. So I’d say we’re doing pretty well with our 3 percent.

“Homosexuality as a standardisation of some human lifestyle is still relatively new a concept to most Australians.”

I have quite a few very close gay friends. Again, just because that’s the attitude in rural areas, doesn’t mean it’s everywhere. Rural places are almost always backward.

“You don't even register on the radar compared to England, my friends. So keep on shouting about cricket!!”
As little as I care about cricket, Australia has, I believe, beaten England at cricket on numerous occasions.

“Every Australian I have ever met has been dull, stupid,vulgar and worst of all ugly.”

If “worst of all ugly” is not an indication of how shallow and discriminatory you are, I don’t know what is.

“how everyone speaks to everyone in 'oz,'”

No, we don’t all speak this mysterious language. We Sydneysiders like to make fun of it ourselves. We call it Bogan. Bogans are the equivalent of hillbillies. You don’t see everyone judging Americans on hillbillies, so I don’t see why we have to be judged on them.

In spite of all this, I’m not particularly patriotic. I just hate racist fucks. I would actually like to move to a different country – not because I hate Australia, just because I think it would be fun. And no, I’m not going to be on any social welfare, so shut up about that.

By the way, morons who try to jump in and defend Australia – you’re not helping our “stupid” cause with your illiteracy. It’s called a spellcheck. Use it.

Anonymous said...

im sorry what nationality were the scientists who created the cervical cancer vaccine?

or spray on skin for treating burns victims?

Anonymous said...

Obviously Australians are all racist...i mean, we're only one of the most multi cultural countries in the world.

I don't think you Yanks have met enough Aussies in your life to judge them. You've probably met a few Bogans (for those of you simple minded fools who don't know, a bogan is basically the same as a red neck, except a little nicer, and not as stupid). I don't think it's fair to judge a whole nation based on that.

Oh, by the way...9/11 was hillarious. It's a shame not all of you died that day...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

im an asian studying in australia and it sucks being excluded all the time. tell me that isnt racism? tell me i'm weird, because all the other asians get isolated too, you can just see us sitting in the corner of the classroom, while the australians make jokes about our culture, our faces. i hate australia.

Anonymous said...

In regards to "whatevs said..."

In regards to Anon:

I have two degrees and a masters. I also went through the private school system. I'm a professional.

That's great, the Government recently completed a consensus of the major proportion of our population and the result was that the majority of people have not gained anything higher then a Certificate IV after Highschool, that makes you a well educated individual in Australia's minority.

You've obviously really gone out and explored Australia, haven't you?

I'm not talking about exploring Australia, I'm talking about living in it, day to day, door to door.

Ok...so we have never had any mass media or Australian authors ie Bryce Courtney...Thomas Kenneally etc etc?

Australia had Rupert Murdoch, now American, but author wise the less than handful you have chosen speaks for itself.

Hahaha I'll wear that. Although there are a few good ones about. Tarantino likes our 70s exploitation!

I thought we must collide with some common ground. Yes Tarantino likes 70's Ozploitation, and Tarantino is such a measuring stick in cinematic terms, I say sarcastically.

Were you here in the 90s? I had the same gripe. Men have polished up and become quite metrosexual now.

I was here in the 90's, you should take a trip to the outer suburbs sometime.

Not at my house, or any of my friends houses. It's a regular weekend past-time.

I rephrase, yes, it probably has a commonality amongst homes, but on the whole, bad processed food and uninspiring BBQ cooking reigns.

Daylight savings in QLD was rejected due to increased daylight affecting farming conditions out in the west.

That's the laugh of it. Daylight Savings doesn't increase Daylight, it's just a matter of adjusting the clock for our time, the actual planetary time remains the same.

Most of my friends are gay.

Subjective response really, why do you think Centrelink eventually recognised Same Sex Partners, it wasn't for ethical reasons, it was to stop Same Sex Couples claiming extra benefits, the general population had nothing to do with the decision - the general population still think Gay People wear pink feather boas and ride around on glittering silver buses.

Racism is a problem. It goes both ways though. I don't think it's any different to any other city.

No true, but thought it worth bringing up since Australians have a wonderful catchphrase they've been flogging about for decades called "A fair go", I've always loved outright hypocrisy.

Where exactly did you go travelling in Australia????? Did you visit the desert...or the tropics of Port Douglas...or the beaches of QLD/Northern NSW? Very different scenery.

That's the keyword in this response isn't it, "travelling", because you are hardly to discover it anywhere near your doorstep.


Anonymous said...

I'm in love with a woman who lives in England. I am relieved to say she is not English. I am coming to England in December. Happy to go toe to toe with the cunt who set up with page. just send me an email: billalzebub_gates@hotmail.com and we can sort it out.

Ps. The english destroyed the indigenous population of australia with biological warfare. most of the damage was done prior to 1800. Australia has spent the last 50 years wresting itself from a faux english identity and has matured in its realisation of the damage done to indigenous culture. as an independent nation we are now righting the wrongs You caused- self-righteous limey cunts. Why dont you give me a smile...oh that's right you have no teeth. Good luck at the NHS.

Anonymous said...

WTF!!! im an aussie and i am quite offended at your comments, i admit, we do have some dickheads here, but doesnt every country? all my mates are lawyers, solicitors, doctors and scientists, we are not all stupid, arrogant bogans!! learn some respect and stop being so immature.. Australia is just as good as your country, btw, in the convict days, where did the convicts originate from? oh yeah... ENGLAND!! stop generalising us, we are just as good as you!! please stop being so immature..

Anonymous said...

stop saying mates, they friends. mates are something u screw

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I fucking hate aussies too! I live in the interior of BC and they invade the ski towns in the winter. My home town of Revelstoke just got a big ski hill and the first year was great but I told my buddies that they were coming and sure enough next year the towns full of them. And to top it off, Canada just extended thier visa so they can stay here for up to 10 years! Way to dump your unemployed into our country to take our jobs. How many Aussies are working in other countries taking jobs from citizens of that country. Stay at fucking home Australians!

Anonymous said...

I'd agree with this post! Aussies know nothing but cricket, footy, weekend bbq (which they stupidly call barbie - they seem to have a nickname for everything and it all ends with -y!) and beating the crap out of indian students and taxi drivers. what a bunch of racist cunts! i've been here for 3 years now and the racism i see everyday is astonishing! if you don't have the australian-ish accent, you can't get that job, doesnt matter if you got that master's degree in your hands!!

soccerlover said...

I couldn't agree more, but first off, i'd like to say that i am an extra nice guy, and I try not to hate on my fellow man, i'm a pacifist right? like a hippie, but MAN i just CANNOT stand australians i think they're the worst ppl on earth, going to study in australia is the worst decision anyone can ever make, now some of em are ok but 90 % of these guys are just complete assholes. What this guy is saying about them arent' stereotypes, it's true they really are like that. Anthony Mundine which is a an australian aborigenese boxer is a GREAT guy, a great person that sets a good example and does a lot of charity work and helps out his community gets nothing but hate and is despised by aussies. He is such a good role model. He stopped his rugby carreer because of the disrespect, i've studied in australia and all the teacher was fuckin assholes, except one that waas great. I recently find out he was english, been living here for 20 years. Now I love the brits, but i fuckin hate aussies. Peace and love y'all

Anonymous said...

You know, all this hatred for Aussies doesn't bother me. I'm an Aussie born and bred, proud to be so and the insults are water off a duck's back. I really like people whether they are from America, the UK, Europe, Asia or wherever in the world they may be. Can't even dislike someone who despises Australians, only feel sorry that someone should feel so much anger and hatred that's focused on something so trivial where the energy could be better spent doing some good in the world or for your neighbours. It's a short life and anger will only consume you in the end.

Anonymous said...

Why I personally hate Aussies.

1) They are quite rude and they always deny that they are rude.

2) It's very hard to discuss serious topics with an Aussie outside of academic environment.

3) They have a extremely weird taste for food. (although my friend whose father is an Aussie admits this)

4) They can't tolerate Asian and African culture and especially other Commonwealth cultures.

5) They are intolerant to non-English European languages (French, Spanish, etc). At least Americans have better respect for Spanish.

6) The men get drunk too easily and become very loudmouth. They got the very bad aspects of UK's drinking habits (same goes to Kiwis).

I couldn't stand Aussies in my Canadian university. Get out of Canada before you harm yourself in the long run. Unless if you want to get a Canadian citizenship and ditch the Aussie one.

Anonymous said...

how the hell can you say that all australians are lyk this when you have only met a couple, how can you assume that all place are lyk this when you havent been to half of them, i say shame on you, if you have a problem with australians come n say it to their faces stop bein so childish n have a look at your own country, australia is a beautiul place n is made up mainly os small country towns not citys, i could never ask to live anywhere else with a better bunch of people.

Anonymous said...

Australia ranked world number one for sinning


Anonymous said...


I waited for years to land on these shores. If I'm honest...I have been disappointed. Not by your country but by your insularity and strange thoughts that you can exist without Europe, Asia, America, etc. I'm sorry to break it to you but you are a new world country and need guidance...in many ways. You ain't ALL THAT and you are in danger of disappearing up your huge arse. I've been watching you for 6 months and it is embarassing how much you guys love the US (thru telly) but hate them at the same time....come on, yu have a brain?

Anonymous said...

Oh As If We Give A F%ck What You Think you Insecure Whingers

Anonymous said...

this is pathetic, australians are cool, i believe all you people commenting on your hatred for that wonderful environment are frankly just jealous that they live in such a peaceful and relaxed environment, aussies FTW!!!

Anonymous said...

Australia is in many ways "Japan" of the British Commonwealth: cultural isolationism, misleading faith in democracy, unrealistically optimist in many ways, and waiting for self-destruction unless there are social solutions.

The world wouldn't weep for the death of Australia.

Anonymous said...

We aren't all racist, but as usual the small minority of racist Australians (such as those who were involved in the Cronulla riots 5 years ago) give the rest of the nation a bad name. If you do your research, there was an anti-racism rally (attended by several thousand people) held in Melbourne in response to the Cronulla incidents. We are a very tolerant, friendly bunch of people who greatly value the cultural diversity that we’re lucky to have here.

We’re also a world leader in education as well as healthcare and scientific research (recently the H1N1/Swine Flu vaccine – Panvax – which is used worldwide, was developed here in Australia).

It isn't fair to hate a whole nation because of a few people you've met, it would be like me hating Americans because George Bush was your president. It's just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

Rupert Murdoch, evil media mogul, is a reason alone to hate Australia; and I'm Aussie who now lives outside of Oceania.

Anonymous said...

You know it is fairly hypocritical, that you criticise australians for being racist and hating others purely because of their skin color and nationality then encourage others to hate Australians simply because they are australian.

So blind hatred against aussies because of their suppossed blind hated, nice circular logic there

Anonymous said...

I can see why misconceptions occur about australia being a racist country. However judging a nation on the actions of a few is probably the most racsist thing you can say, its called stereotyping and is one of the main attributes of racsism. As to the indian students who have been killed at least 10 Australians have been murdered or feared murdered in violent attacks in India since 1999. however no one cares to see both sides of the argument. if your going to write something inspiring try to limit bias and have some form of credibility other htan just hating Australians. (Hitler just hated the jews and thought they weren't worth anything).

Anonymous said...

It is better to make fun of BOTH Australia and America. AKA "the fantastic dysfunctional Anglo-Saxon Duo".

(Australia, the village idiot of the British Empire. America, the village idiot of the whole world.)

Anonymous said...

"I couldn't stand Aussies in my Canadian university. Get out of Canada before you harm yourself in the long run. Unless if you want to get a Canadian citizenship and ditch the Aussie one."

Ex-Australian, very proud Canadian here.

You know Australia has a horrible public relations around the world when:

James Hewish, the controversial Australian judge who disqualified the South Korean team in speed-skating and every single Australian expats in South Korea are in danger, PLUS there was a bomb threat against the Australian Embassy in Seoul.


Amen. I thank to the glorious God who inspired me to live in Canada instead of my corrupted homeland, Australia. Australians should behave well in Canada or else they should be severely punished like child molesters.

Perhaps I'm sick of rude Australian tourists and permanent residents in UK, Germany, and Japan. I think it's time for Australians to improve themselves or else they will never be respected.

Unknown said...

Everything you said is true... Now stay away and leave us alone and we will wallow in our standard of living and our climate. We actually don't need any other country to survive. I can only wish that your blog is read by more and more people and that your wonderful insights are consumed by the rest of the world. Now if you will leave me alone I need to book some tickets to the European Masters at the NGV... oh and the footy.

Anonymous said...

Gosh it makes me laugh how you can sit there on you pedestals. Ignorance does not discriminate as you have just prove you are just as bad as those you describe. There is always those crass people in every culture. You think your culture is so perfect history will tell you differently. You are making these assumptions on what? Have you met all Australians. And i bet the answer would be something along the lines of "no why would I want too" or "if i did i would perform some kind of act of violence". Don't be such a hypocrite. Also is the F word all you have, I mean come on seriously you have already lost the argument.

Anonymous said...

Both New Zealand and Australia have "unconditional worship" of Japan compare to other western countries.

Are Australians very strange to the American eyes? Yes, you guys are like aliens from outer space with no humanity.

Anonymous said...

This blogger is just jealous that he's not an Aussie :D

Anonymous said...

mate, u r being a bit stereotypical. i am a child of an australian immigrant, but im still proud of the country i live in. about the indigenous people, "sorry day" was a day that our PM appologized sincerely for what happened 2 the aboriginal people regarding the stolen generation. sure the country regrets what happened 2 all the natives of the country. shit happens, move on. what do u expect the government 2 do? migrate back to england, ireland etc. and let the aborigines go to their nomadic lifestyles?? and from what every1 else is saying about australia, u r talking about the stereotypical "bogan" who sits out on his varandah with a bottle of beer in his hand while a kangaroo jumps across his lawn and shoots it!!! 85% of aussies live in the city areas and i personally live in one of the world's most beautiful cities, sydney. among sydneysiders, their is great racial harmony going on, all my life i've never been racially discriminated, nor put down due to my ethnicity so racist aussies is among a great minority. and a few more stuff, did u know that ultrasound, bionic ears, the blackbox, electric drill and refrigerators r all stuff we all know and may use, and r all australian inventions, so without most of those inventions life would be quite difficult, especially without a frigde!!!! and about sport. thats our culture. like american culture is more patriotic and christian and middle eastern culture is more quaran based.

so i hope i have made my point clear, and if you disagree with me, i respect your opinion!!!!!

Kris Cripps said...

Oh yeah we also contribute massive amounts of research to the world of science. I doubt you lot would know fuck all about that either you don't seem like you'd read too much. The U.K also has the BNP Australia doesn't have a comparison group with any seats in power by comparison. The indigenous here were persecuted heavily by BRITISH colonialism not just the uneducated poor roots from which our nation sprung.

Anonymous said...

I migrated from the UK to Australia in 1992. I have dual citizenship.

I've recently decided to spend time between Malaysia and the UK because I'm finding Australia and the Australians increasingly tedious, vapid and paternalistic.

Australia is comfortable enough but there's really not a lot going on here apart from sport.

The longer I stay, the more I despise the place and the people. Oh and they are also extremely defensive. Eighteen years of close observation has shown that, generally, Australians are:

borderline illiterates;
unable to think originally, empathise or create;
poor at business and jealous of others' successes;
covert racists;
backward in technology, art, science and medicine;
small-C conservative, and
extremely thin skinned.

Most of all the place is just very dull.

Anonymous said...

This blog is truly mentioned what Australia is all about. And I'm not an Aussie here. I also hate Aussies. But I believed not all aussies are the same, and there are also aussies who hate themselves and their country. BEsides talking about what australia sucks for, why don't we talk about its positive factors???

Anonymous said...

I whole-heartedly agree.

Down with the Australians.

I hope their continent sinks into the sea and we can all forget about the blight they left on Earth.

Anonymous said...

I have worked on cruise ships and in Western Canada and I honestly can say that 90 per cent of the time I have not enjoyed working with Aussies abroad. Loud, pompous, arrogant, and never want to hear another opinion.

I will not put all the eggs in one basket though, and do not hate Australia. Stop being so damn bull headed!

Jack M said...

eh, i could get offended and debunk your backwards views, but i think i might go to the beach instead. Hope its nice and warm in your mums basement.

Anonymous said...

Raymond said: "Aussies dont need intellect or rationality."

Insulting intellectuality and rationality, I see. Australia doesn't need a stupid bogan like you.

Justin T said...

Fact number 1. Since Australia was a colony of Britian it was under full British control until 1901. So when you say Australians humilated, subjected and destroyed Aboriginals, you mean the British. Aboriginals had no rights what so ever under British control. You should also look up what the British army did to Aboriginies in Tasmania that will be enough to horify you. Isnt it funny that alot of ex British colonies have a problem with natives or stealing people to use as slaves, USA for example.

Fact 2. Australia invented the Bionic ear(hearing aids for you British idiots behind a keyboard), Numarous amounts of agricultural machinery and fertilizers, differentual in cars yes were invented by an Aussie, the first refridgerator was invented by an aussie,the pacemaker and much more

Fact 3. Immigration is not our only political debat but of course it is a huge one when surroneded by third world countries that have more people in their army then we have as a population.

Its also funny how you threaten to get us deported from the UK and we are the ones with the immigration issues. Our country is the most multicultral in the world your full of shit saying we are racist to dark skinned cricket players. Cricket is full of corruption for one and you judge a country by their sport.

Australia has a culture and way off life Britian never will. So go hide away in your house behind a keyboard while its pissing down with rain outside. P.S your an idiot

Anonymous said...

calm down, i'm not fully aussie but i have lived in OZ for a big part of my life and really how many aussies have you actually met? How dare you judge us like that

racist bastards

Anonymous said...

Hey, WTF is wrong with u guys, I have lived in Australia for the past 5 years and I moved from England. I have met some of my best friends here and they are all so nice, sure there are some huge racist jerks there but I knew some in England too and also that racist quality only applies to a selection of Aussies and has unfortunately been publicied.
btw im sure there are a tone of bad qualities I could find about all of your countries and I don't go talking about you that way, so dont go stereotyping Aussies this way and get of your fat lazy ass and come to this beautiful country where on the majority there are nice and friendly people before making accusations from what you read in your sad country.

I LOVE AUSTRALIA AND ITS PEOPLE!! and I'm brittish so don't go beleiving everything you hear!

Grace said...

I am Australian and unfortunately, cannot agree more. Can't wait to get out this ignorant, Bogan, anti-intellectual and sexist country when I finish university.

Anonymous said...

Fact number 1. Since Australia was a colony of Britian it was under full British control until 1901. So when you say Australians humilated, subjected and destroyed Aboriginals, you mean the British. Aboriginals had no rights what so ever under British control. You should also look up what the British army did to Aboriginies in Tasmania that will be enough to horify you. Isnt it funny that alot of ex British colonies have a problem with natives or stealing people to use as slaves, USA for example.

Fact 2. Australia invented the Bionic ear(hearing aids for you British idiots behind a keyboard), Numarous amounts of agricultural machinery and fertilizers, differentual in cars yes were invented by an Aussie, the first refridgerator was invented by an aussie,the pacemaker and much more

Fact 3. Immigration is not our only political debat but of course it is a huge one when surroneded by third world countries that have more people in their army then we have as a population.

Its also funny how you threaten to get us deported from the UK and we are the ones with the immigration issues. Our country is the most multicultral in the world your full of shit saying we are racist to dark skinned cricket players. Cricket is full of corruption for one and you judge a country by their sport.

Australia has a culture and way off life Britian never will. So go hide away in your house behind a keyboard while its pissing down with rain outside. P.S your an idiot

british people are rude cunts with no personality!!

Anonymous said...

Nicely put.

Fleur said...

Can i just point out that you are being far more racist towards aussies than you claim they are themselves.

Anonymous said...

"Indian-descendants like me are being stabbed week after week just walking around our cities."

Nitin Garg - Police said the motive was not because he was Indian, motive can't be revealed to protect local laws surrounding identification and boys age (15).

Gurshan Singh - 3 year old killed by his Indian housemate, I will never forget the absurd conclusions by the Indian and world press! I urged caution because of the situation that made me suspect it may be related to the household, I got in return that we should be cut up to little pieces by irate Indians.

Navdeep Singh & Kanwaljit Singh - Killed by Indian housemate, it very nearly led to attacks on Australia with community members back in India calling for government intervention but was stopped early on by the quick arrest.

Ranjodh Singh - Killed by Indian employees, who were suspects all along, but that didn't stop the Indian press from pushing the racism angle.

Jaspreet Singh - Set fire to himself in a botched attempt at vehicle insurance fraud, blamed it on a racist gang.

Sukhraj Singh - Was singled out for being Indian at an Indian grocery store, but his attackers were a gang of Somalis.

Sourabh Sharma - Footage of a train bashing was broadcast across India linking it to 'racist' attacks. At least one (the main?) attacker was of Indian background, the others apparently Asian. One white boy is shown besides the train door not participating in the attack and looking away.

Rajesh Kumar - A petrol bomb was thrown through his window, he suffered severe burns. The suspects were never found, but Indians were attacked after a meeting in getting compensation to the victims family. The attackers were Lebanese and it resulted in protests by the Indian community in Sydney aimed at alleged police inaction to specifically Lebanese violence (Indians were also responsible for some of the violence, apparently attacking some Lebanese with baseball bats in reprisal).

Sravan Kumar - Attackers were caught, but the age law comes into play again and his attackers can't be legally identified. Something that was said suggests to me the victims knew the attackers.

unknown (yet to find his name) - Blinded in one eye in an attack by a Sudanese man.

And there are more, but those are the most serious.

The worst thing about that is minorities believed the world media and it is creating deep social division in our country.

The ignorant and reactionary press are scum.

Anonymous said...

Mandy, I hope you left lovely Perth and are now going through absolute torment in California. I guess they have a lot more to talk about there than daylight saving, like getting murdered on the sidewalks and stuff. Enjoy. You won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

How to attain world peace = make Australia into an Islamic/Chinese/Indian country

Islam is the future of Australia. So you better be converting to Islam, Aussies.

Anonymous said...

If you write a book I will buy it.

Anonymous said...

To Justin T, Australia is not the most multicultural country on earth. Enter reality.

To all the British people out there, you and Australia are practically the same to be honest. You're as similar as can be. If you look at the history shared by your countries, the Australians are really and truly still British.

Anonymous said...

This whole thread is absoloutley hilarious.
I'm from Melbourne living in the UK, it's ok but I'm used to eating fresh food as opposed frozen boxed food. It's not the only food around but I can't believe how much of it there is. Seriously I've been to 3rd world countries and the food has been twice as good.
For one thing Australia has a big ace up it's sleeve and thats population. Seriously a city with half the population of a whole country almost the size of the US?I like to be crammed in like sardines everywhere I go and cue and wait and cue some more?? Thats just a couple of down sides here.

I seriously think the people here in the UK a lovely people although perhaps needing a little more sun over them but all and all good.
It's true there are heaps of aussie wankers and I'm sure theres easily just as many here, just like in the rest of the world. Why am I even writing this??? it's beyond my comprehension to actually believe some of the hatefull things said here, both ways. I think mostly the UK and australia get on like houses on fire and our cultures and sense of humour are very similar (not American!!) Generally this thread is all based on chronic ignorance. It is very funny. And no I'm not english.

K said...

It seems my only sin here's my passport. I'm Australian by nationality and cursed with our aweful accent. I agree with your blog, but can't help feel you're just upset you haven't seen the sun in years.
Australia does blow goats - we are technologically backwards and extremely racist. No, we don't contribute to the world. I think we lost that Ashes cup too, but it's just cricket, which is watching the grass grow. You chaps lost an empire, that worries me.
I'm currently living in France because I couldn't stand England, your women are hideous, which is (unfortunately) what my aweful lot are descended from. I'll have you know though that I avoid Australians are like the plague, we're social cockroaches, so you score a point there.
You might like this one though - "What's the difference between a tub of yoghurt and Australia? If you leave the yoghurt long enough it develops a culture." Too right.
But I prefer this "What's the difference between an Aboriginal male and a park bench? The park bench can support a family."
Peace, mate.

Anonymous said...

love it! u nailed it on the head man. it would be fine if they just stayed there, but they feel the need to travel all over the goddamn place just to be loud, annoying fuckheads. and by travel, I mean go from beer to beer around the world. they have about as much culture as they do manners. nasty, nasty bunch of people. and STOP CALLING ME MOIT IN THAT IRRITATING ACCENT!!!

Angela said...

Ausis manufacture nothing other than Kangroo meat, some poisonous spiders lizards and snakes, everything is imported into Australia, these stupid people do not even know that most things are imported into Australia from India.

They even hate the Canadians and the Kiwis.

Aron Light
New Zealand

Unknown said...

I was thinking abot moving down to london and i realised it was full of australians.i decided no to go

Anonymous said...

"They offer nothing to the world in terms of technical or scientific advancement"

Thats wrong.. i don't really care if you hate us... but at least do a little research before you fire facts that are not true.

I can name several things, but im sure you can work google and find out yourself, unless your brain capacity doesn't let you.

Anonymous said...

I'm 14, and I'm Australian. I hate it here, but I also don't really like America, And we didn't kill the aborigines. I'm white and I am friends with a lot of them. It was the ENGLISH that killed the aboriginals. Frankly I want to live in England or somewhere like that, maybe Japan

Daniel Byrne said...

I do not hate the Aussies in general, but, in history we the brits, and them are connected...

They moan and WHINGE about republic,,, then If you aussies want it, then fucking have it and stop blaming us for it,, It is your issue, not ours,, we are not stopping you,,

Be proud, be happy, but don't f*** with the world and especially with us,,, we still think you are our close cousins,,,

G'day mates!!!

Anonymous said...

Aussies rule! bring on the ashes, then we'll see who the losers really are!

Pete said...

I'm Australian and I have been to the UK several times and quite enjoyed it. Apart from the select few who fuel the "whinging pom" stereotype (such as yourself), most people I met in the UK didn't seem to feel the same way about Aussies as you.

About not offering anything to the world in terms of technical and scientific advancement, next time you use Wi-Fi on your computer just remember it's an Australian invention. We also have more nobel prize laureates per capita than countries such as Italy, Spain and Japan.

I'm not quite sure how you justify calling us "the spawn of scum", when the only real scum that has come to Australia has been that of British convicts. Luckily, the number of people of Dutch, German, Greek and Italian origin, as well as British free settlers, far outnumbered the number of convicts that were sent here, so trying to insult our geneology is actually quite laughable and embarrassing for you.

As for racism, a lot of countries have had a racist past. But the indigenous Australians have enjoyed the same rights as other Australians for quite some time now. We also have high rates of immigration from Asia and Africa, and they tend to adjust well to our culture. It's true that you will hear language from Australians that Brits may consider racist. It's just that political correctness hasn't been taken too far here like it has in Britain and the USA, and a few "racial slurs" are much more often meant as a term of endearment than something that needs to have a big deal made out of it.

As for us watching soap operas, from my experience there is just the same amount of interest in watching Neighbours in England and Australia.

Also, it should be "reason other than he is brown". If you're going to have a go at how stupid we are, at least use your own language correctly.

So, my assessment of your blog is: What a load of shit.

Anonymous said...

Good! Then stay the fuck out of our country!

You explain that Australians are un-intelligent and conceited... yet we're not the ones ranting online who can't spell properly, fail to use correct grammar and punctuation, or rant about absolute bullshit we obviously have no idea about.

Also - your idea of what we did to the Aboriginals is so twisted, and mis-informed. You obviously missed the recent updates re the stolen generation, and obviously have never looked into land-rights.

Anyone bagging Australia can fuck right off, or get your arse over here & experience it for yourself before opening you mouth.

We're not cultureless, we just don't take everything so seriously... and we're glad that people like the author of this mundane blog aren't in our country!

Anonymous said...

It is whinging, whining Englishmen like you who build boundaries between different groups of people. I have lived in Aus my whole life, but am currently in Germany and have been for four weeks, and let me tell you, I miss that land and my mates more than anything. I would rather nothing more right now than to go have a barbie and a cold beer with the family and mates in the sun. The indigenous people are very much accepted, a couple of my best mates are aboriginees. And don't start this bullshit about the cricket, you have no clue about what went on out on that pitch, so keep your prejudiced views to yourself- we don't want our country tainted by your uneducated and ignorant opinions. I have no problem with other countries, and reckon I've met some great blokes from other countries. Also, if you live in Australia yet hate the culture, the place and the people, then you are not Australian and we don't want you here. I would do anything for this country. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI

yobo1221 said...

anon said... "Australians are cowards. They can't stand new web technology. It took them years to trust Ebay. Queensland residents refuse to embrace daylight savings because they fear their curtains will fade. Most Australians are terrified of any fresh ideas or alternative ways of living. They still think anything that falls out of their norm as being freakish and weird." well excuse me. During WWI and WWII who was it that saved your sorry asses more than once?!?!?! Australians are not cowards, ever heard of Ned Kelly? He fought for the poor and wasn't afraid to die, in fact his last words were "such is life".

You poms and yanks are always whingeing that we are racist and abusive towards other cultures. Australia is KNOWN as a multicultural society. I'm still in high school here, and in my Mathematics class there are many Chinese and German students studying with us, along with a South African teacher. In my chemistry class, there is a wide range of nationalities, including: Australian, Italian, German, Brazilian and Chinese. All of these students came here on there own will and love it here.

You also accuse us of being racist against the indigenous Australians, saying we destroyed them and treat them as dirt. WRONG!!. The Aboriginal people in Australia have more rights than the actual Australians. In the schooling system, the indigenous children get more respect and help from teachers than the Aussie kids.

And with the colonization of Australia in 1788, did not the same thing happen in America with the native Indians? You come here and abuse us yet you refuse to look at your own history. You even had a war about KEEPING slaves, Australia has NEVER had any sort of civil war.

In fact, the only wars Australia has been involved in is the wars you yanks and poms drag us into. We didn't care about the channel closing near Turkey. But we still went, even with YOUR wrong co-ordinates that killed so many young and brave Australians.

The Iraq/Afghanistan war occurring now is the Americans fault. You can't keep your own nose out of everyone elses business. Now the war has gone on too long for us to take our troops out of there. And honestly, how hard is it to find one man?

You say that our health system is terrible yet the Australian nursing degree is welcome any where in the world.

And have you even been here? If not shut up, you are just being stereotypical and ignorant.

If you don't like it, LEAVE!!!


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thuglifebaldwin said...

LOLZ@ this blog

anyways IMO, australia is a nice place to vist, but a horrible place to live. too many draconian laws put in place by a suffocating, mother-knows-best nanny state. they ban video games down there for fuck's sake! they want to have all cars sold in oz with satellite GPS tracking systems in them to keep track of who is speeding and of course those horrible evil guns have been banned, even the airsoft ones, that, you know, dont actually shoot bullets......i cant see living in a place that has constant droughts, bushfires and floods......(part of the reason why i avoid california too) i love that america has been dragged into the conversation even though we arent relevant to the discussion at hand.....you wanna throw your sticks and stones at us that fine.......it just signifies your own jealousy and inadequacy in regards to us.....nothing changes the fact that we run the planet and nothing goes on without our notice.....it dosent matter who sits in canberra, they always answer to someone in DC. i dont have anything against the vast majority of aussies, but there are those few "yank haters" who seem to have grown too big for their britches need to be cut down to size...

Anonymous said...

we haven't invented anything...

Anonymous said...

God, I agree with you! You know what I hate the most about them? They ask everyone "Where are you from?"(even if some of the people were born here), before even asking our name just so they can label us and bitch behind our backs, they know NOTHING about other cultures and yet claim to be living in a "MULTICULTURAL WORLD".The immigrants built their country and they have the nerve to bitch and whine about them, while sitting on their fat lazy asses. They claim to love to "banter" but cannot take being insulted, while enjoying insulting others. I have never met a "decent aussie block" in the 10 something years I've been here.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen an Australian watch sport? They take it more seriously than life itself and I have never seen worse losers, apart from South Africans and New Zealanders. Only thing they have to put them on the map though so it's understandable.

Australians can sure as hell deliver banter but they are totally incapable of taking it. Case in point being the whole 'Convict' thing.

As for the comment above stating the Irish have shaped Australia more than the English... Good grief, you call the English weak yet the English first defeated the Irish in battle and then subjugated the country for the better part of 800 years. Now if anything that's weak.

Unknown said...

im an australian girl who was born here and whoever said "australians are physically unattractive" need to think about that because there are a lot of exotic looking people and not all of us have an accent!!! I've been out of the country once for a holiday and i was glad to come back. there are many people who AREN'T racist and don't try to be either. so just think about what you say. dont try to argue with me either because I'm only young.

Anonymous said...

To the person that wrote this blog; you are truly, truly a sad excuse for a human being.

I hope your hatred takes you far in life, and you are very pleased you can sit at home behind your little computer and make a POWERFUL BLOG! Did you yell "I AM THE MAN" when you hit submit?

Well, you should have.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I don't like the majority of Australians- my friends and I are a small minority and we refer to the Aussie's you have described as "bogans". We live in Australia, but are actually quite ashamed of our nation. No, I will not "fuck off" by the way, and I find that language to be so fowl and lazy that, forgive me for the offence, it could slip from the mouth of a bogan!

In all honesty, the climate, space, and supposedly the beaches (I'm a cold weather lover) are all Australia has going for it. I want more immigrants to be let in, but I'm not of a voting age. It's really hard being an Australian, as we're caught half-way between being a lower class Brit and an American posession. I wish there were such thing as a decent Australian culture, but it's largely racism and idiocy that thrive.

Anonymous said...

I genuinely hate Australians. I do, really. not all of them, of course, because I haven't got the chance to meet every single one of them on the face of the Earth. If anyone knows a truly good Australian, I would love to meet him/her, because that would probably lessen the hatred towards Australian, that have grown in abundance in me. And I am a person who isn't very likely to feel hatred towards others, so take very good notes of that.

Most of all, I despise Australian women. Not the little girls, they are as cute as any other child in the world, but they tend to grow into women who do this for most of their lifetime:

1. They drink until they have no self respect. Disgusting ugly creatures.
2. Of course when they don't even respect themselves, who are stopping them from not respecting others? hence the next issue;
3. Racism. This applies to women AND men, woo what a surprise
4. They are unbelievably loud, and can't (or won't, for reasons I never really understand), speak and write English properly. Honestly this is hilarious.
5. They think they are better than others, they would do anything to stomp others and humiliate them, when they are actually humiliating themselves
6. The girls have no shame, throwing themselves to boys and race in having as much dicks possible in them in their lifetime
6. Their number one purpose in life would be to have ridiculous amount of fun, spending money that they don't have, going to Bali and fucking as many locals possible, playing with their hearts and using them before disposal. When I went to Bali, all the other tourists were just peaceful to look at, just pleasing. And then there were the Aussies, shamelessly getting drunk on the side of the road trying to punch the life out of each other even when they're actually friends. I know for a fact that Bali is a peaceful and respected place, and when I saw this I wanted to stab these stupid fuckers to death for disrespecting the Balinese people and polluting the road with such undesirable scene. That is such a shame. If I were a government representation there I would kick your asses out of the island because you are all such a DISGRACE.

My suggestion would be isolating yourselves (Australians of course!) in your desert-filled country and never go out of it, since they all think that their country is all rocket science. We do not need your money, contribution, even your FACES to be displayed anywhere in the rest of the world. Please, do the right thing and drown yourselves in Bondi Beach :)

Anonymous said...

To call a whole country racist and openly state you hate all Austalians is racist you drongo. Some Austlians can be racist but a lot of us are not, just like any country. We have become a more open country that is home to many cultures.

To be fair, pommies came here first and over time turned into Austalians, and we didn't really become our own people until 1901. So a lot of the orignal treatment of the Aboriginals was by pommies. And while us Aussies did keep it up- we are redeeming ourselves now, Kevin Rudd's sorry speech and we now have Goverment departments set up to protect Aboriginal rights. Aboriginal's are Australian's too, so even though you're 'trying' to defend them, you are not doing a very good job. I have Aboriginal friends who are very proud to be Australians. So you are insulting them as well, as they are a part of us.

We invented the box kite... well that's not saying much but we also invented Aussie Rules football, which is a great sport. We also invented the wine cask... and pre-paid postage and the electic drill, and the fist ever notepad, and one of the first ever fridges.

renaynay said...

So, we're all racist... Because we allow people from war torn countries to seek refuge here. You're logic confounds me, you hypocritical fool. I don't deny that there is a sub-sector of unintelligent, dole-bludging people here, not at all. I deal with them every day on my way to university on the train. Yes, thats right, university. I seek higher education and I am actually not the smartest person in attendance there. Every country has their own lower class and they are often found everywhere you go, just as in any country. Our economy is one of the best in the world at the moment, I do agree that there is plenty of ass-kissing going on to get us to this point but one has to start somewhere.

ALSO, all this business being said here about Australian women being sluts... I am a girl, 18, and still a virgin. I am not christian, I have my own ideas about religion, politics and world conflicts. I have my own identity, I am an Australian but I will not be included in some hypocritical, uneducated blogger's opinion of a country he clearly knows very little about.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Hayden said...

One has to remember, though Australia did start off as a Penal colony, it soon flourished through immigration of none the less English who saw the new colony as a better life than being in England. Second thing is that yes the British colonists in Australia and even Australians (after federation in 1901) did try to adapt the Aboriginals into Western culture, but this was under the law of the British parliament. Face it, South and Central Americas' people faced a far worse treatment that what happened to the Aboriginals in Australia. Though some Australians can be ignorant, stupid and narrow minded, what country does have these sort of people? No country is perfect, none are close. Though we are concerned about more than just immigration even though it is a highly important matter. Due to the amount of land to protect with borders on all side with the ocean, and high area of land for people to hide, and also the resources in Australia that can sustain such a growing population. We are also concerned with Global warming, air and atmosphere pollution, and a high array of other problems that are faced with in all westernized countries in the world. We also have one of the leading researches into the development for cures for cancers of all sorts. As a people, Australia gives some of the most money to over countries for development in humanities and living standards, and for aid in natural disasters. It is always easy to judge others as a people, but most don't know the true story about us.

Nickeh. said...

Are you completely ludicrous? Yes we live in a beautiful country (You should probably learn grammar before you try and take on a whole country,) With an excellent climate and a whole continent to explore, but I really do not see why you are so simple minded. Sure there are some complete wankers out here, but you get that in any part of the world. As a matter of fact, some of the most Ignorant people I know are English.

You say that we "Destroyed our indigenous people." You must be completely dim-witted. It was the English that came to Australia and slaughtered the Aboriginals. We didn't even become "Australian" until 1901.

You then continued to say that we "offer nothing to the world in terms of technical or scientific advancement." The Electronic Pacemaker, The Bionic Ear, Spray-On Skin and Aspro (To name a few) were all invented in Australia. Get your facts straight before you start blabbering over the internet.

I have a few sponsors from all around the world for filming and skateboarding. I've had four of my English friends come over to my house in Sydney and stay with me for a few weeks. They didn't want to go back. Do you know why? "Everybody was inviting and incredibly nice."

I have no problem with England and English people. In fact, I'll be traveling to England next year and I can't wait. People like you however are the "ignorant, stupid - genetically thick, close-minded morons." You believe stupid stereotypes and believe everything you hear on the television.

Anonymous said...

what an dick head to add to another post australians where the 1st creater of films they are the reason u have movies they made the 1st advancement in this area the reason they are not so big now because there gov at the time did not think it to be worth money so the australian's who created film move to america where they where paid to make more advanced ments in this area so i'm a english and infact while in any culture on earth has there idiots, having travelled australia on many occassions i have found that most big cities are more mulitcultured now then most other places i have been on america, china,africa for a population any how australian are moving forward in dealing with the englishmans mess of the way we treated the aboriginals so we can't blame them get your facts right or maybe your a racist loud mouth englishman i can hear from the other side of the pub

Anonymous said...

You've never had an Aussie woman, eh! Your loss.

Anonymous said...

Firstly i would like to agree with you, but there exceptions, my mum is austrailian and is one off the sweetest people i know. but for an essay, i had to write about a thing i hate most in a comical fashion...
Why I hate Australians.
I hate it when my “mother” -- speech marks necessary as subject is Australian -- puts me on the phone to my Australian “family”. All Australians speak like there shouting and shout like they’re a yapping terrier who has a cold. Not to mention the laugh. When any Australian laughs they sound like a fucking kookaburra. My mum sadly has gone to the next level by adding a choking cough and has somehow managed to create the laugh of a hyena. This laugh makes me want to bundle her up in a hold all, and send her back to where she comes from. I hate the way Australia tries to compete with Britain on who is more European. WE ARE IN BLOODY EUROPE, for god’s sakes, Australia. They have somehow gotten into their snooty brains that just because they have more coffee shops that they should really be European. HOW CAN YOU BE MORE EUROPEAN THAN BRITAIN, WHEN BRITAN IS EUROPEAN? Fools. Another thing; why the hell do Australians act superior, when they are all descendants of English criminals we carted off to Australia to die from spider bites and jelly fish stings? Again, fools. I hate how Australians fondly label themselves as an “Aussie” as though they are a community to be proud of… humph. I hate how Australians have got into their closed minds that they are entitled to be as racist as possible, and constantly moan about immigrants – In Australia’s defence, with the load of snobs who live there, the types of people who are actually stupid enough to migrate there are probably worth complaining about – because -- and I quote from one of my many cousins (how proud I must be…) “We [Australia as a community] have the highest number of Greek immigrants in the world.” Yes, you heard me. That is Australia’s excuse to form a prejudice against any race in the world and dispel the title of racist. Because they have Greek migrants living there… OH DEAR GOD. Honestly? How stupid are Australia’s citizens? Very is the answer you are looking for…

I chose my own race ( well partly im also russian, english, spanish, lithuainain and various other middle eastern countries and i was born in britan same as the entirety of my dads side... so im proud to say i am not soley aussie.

Anonymous said...

Q: How can you tell if an Australian is incredibly racist with appalling taste in clothes?
A: He's breathing, and wearing clothes.

Anonymous said...

Q. How does a Pom have a shower?
A. With a can of deodorant.

Anonymous said...

And you call us racist. I know you might actually know this, but we, like everyone else, have feelings and what you said hurt. What you said was a major generalization and you know it's racist people like you I hate. I have visited Europe quite a number of times and I love it there, and even though some of the people were rude I don't go around saying how rude, racist and stupid they are, cos I don't think that.

Teddy Bears will curse you said...

sorry, we get our attitude from you Brits. We are your children after all ;)

Sarah said...

Oh god, let me tell all of you people that what your saying about Australia is ridiculous. I'm not here trash talking about America or wherever the person that made this post lives so why should you? I mean, what gives you the right to talk about people like that. You dont even know us! Yeah, some bad things have happened in Australia but you can't say that bad things haven't happened anywhere else.
Oh and by the way: Some Aussies hate sports.

Think before you say, idiots.

Anonymous said...

Haha australians don't contribute to technology or science? Really well here is a few (I assume you considered them but perhaps they didn't qualify as a useful contribution).

Ahm...The refrigerator, electric drill, electronic pacemaker, the first army tank to be adopted by the british army was designed by an australian solider, solar hot water systems, Electronic distance measuring equipment (DME), Black box flight recorder, Ultrasound (pffft when has that ever been used right?), Variable rack and pinion steering (your car will have it - or at least your mothers that she lets you borrow), Orbital engine, RaceCam (broadcasting), the bionic ear (does that count?), CPAP mask, wave piercing catamaran (USN are loving those), Baby Safety Car Capsule, Frozen embryo baby, Spray-on skin, Jindalee Radar System, worlds first WIFI system (heard of that?), first ever successful test flight of a scramjet...

Just to name a few. It's ok though I am Australian myself and we get used to jealously. Personally its just down to a few to little insecure people like you...

Anonymous said...

The only valid generalisation that can be made about people based on nationality is their home country.

There are better explanations than nationality for all of the criticism levelled here.

There are many factually incorrect statements.

This is just ugly, and displays an unwillingness to excerise intelligence.

Anonymous said...

My brother moved to Australia/Sydney and I tried it for 7 years to be close to him as we dont have any other family and its wrecked my life, its the most dumbest, rudest, sexist, racist, boring, backward place ive ever been too. All they say when you say your from England is ohhh its cold there, forget about the history of England, the quality of education, the amazing geniuses weve produced in science, music, law,comedy ect just oohhh its cold, it rained constantly when I was in Sydney it was either too hot for 8 weeks a year and the rest of the time it rained, and ive seen nicer beaches anywhere else in Europe even Cornwall is prettier. Aussie's know they have nothing to offer to the rest of the world that's why their racist towards everyone else out of bitterness.
Im sick of seeing these stupid Aussy programmes called 'living the dream' and such its not a dream, its a bloody nightmare, its just advertisement to get more people out there cos no one wants to live there thats why London is a quarter of the whole of Australia but has more population because no one wants to live there.
And another thing I cant understand is why is it so far behind, it doesnt take 40 years to get to Australia it takes 23 hours, so why isnt it 23 hours behind, why when Im going to the shop that isnt in the city or watching a programme do I feel like im in the 70s, my Mum went over to visit and every 5 minutes she was like 'ooohhh this reminds me of the 70's they had them when I used to take you around in the buggy' Why cant they move forward what the hell is wrong with them. I find it hard to believe that they are English descendants why are they so dumb it doesnt make sense, why is their education so behind the rest of the world, and why are they so dull? They dont know how to hold a conversation or be witty or charming. Im not joking but when I first walked the streets of Australia I thought it was dirty and the people on the streets were mentally slow until I realised thats how all Australians were!

Anonymous said...

I have lived in this beautiful country for 2.5 years. I have to say that the representation of the people is pretty spot on. There are of course exceptions, but they have all lived overseas. The men are the missing link, so totally emotionally unaware they might as well be gorillas. I don't bother listening to the news as it is so intellectually devoid of content, except the stuff from the BBC/APR. The political class is a joke and are half the reason there is such terrible bad mannered behaviour. The people are lazy and inward looking. Thinking they are the best at everything, when in fact they don't know what hard work is like. but this is all perfectly understandable, if I could dig up my back garden and sell if for $100 a tonne, I wouldn't bother making any effort.

Love Australian country side and weather. Hate (most) Australians. Especially the men.

Your sincerely

Anonymous said...

They are not bears! Geez, get it right. Except for the drop bears of course...

Anonymous said...

I'm an auzzie and I'm so hurt by what all of you have said, especially in all of the comments. I'm mean if your a pomie weren't YOU the people that discovered Australia and ruined our native people, and trust me we've apologized so much to the people. But wait aren't you also the country that is pasty, whinny and get fake boobs that just Look like you have stuffed your bras with grape fruit????

Why yes you are!!!

And lol I loooooovve the 9/11 question!!

Anonymous said...

Clearly you were hanging out with the wrong australians. I am Australian and I am sure your smart enough to realise that there a good people out of the 20 million there. I say the best thing about Australia is it's multiculturilism.

It sure beats living in Somalia!!!!

Anonymous said...

I lived in Australia for nearly two years and must say I have never hated a race more in my life.

From meeting thousands of them over the two years I only met 3 that were nice and these guys said they wanted to move to Europe because of the bullying they went through and the harassment they couldnt get away from..

I hated having to deal with Australians in every profession. If I went to pay for petrol the shop attendant was rude, if I went to a doctor they were rude, if I went to a hotel the staff were rude.

We never went to an aussie bar because they were so aggressive and just to much in to themselves.

They think Australia is the best country in the world but its not even close...And, what a bunch of racist pricks....

I refuse to sit beside australians if I am at a restaurant or even on a train. If I hear there horrible accent on tv I switch it off..

My girlfriend use to watch Home and Away and Neighbours but now she nearly gets sick when she hears that accent.

I hate Australians to the bone and would never allow my kids to date one.....

Anonymous said...

AGREED! HAHAHA! Brilliant! If this was facebook I would press the "Like" button!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Australia . . . 'The global villige idiot'.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that someone said people from Cairns are devils disguised as white people, I couldn't disagree more. I've lived in Cairns my whole life, there's very little racism and prejudice which is more than I can say for some other towns/cities. I volunteer for the local equivalent of a soup kicthen, cancer fundraisers and even donate plenty of money to my school's annual appeal for a school for disabled children in Cambodia. Yes, that's right I still go to school, I'm only 16. I'm a bit dissapointed that no matter how much I give I am always going to be a "Rude, racist fucking pig."

Anonymous said...

Don't know hard work? That must be why we have the longest working hours a week in the world.

Anonymous said...

Aaw, you poor ignorant thing. Aussies have invented plenty that you take for granted.

Anonymous said...

anonymous can't even spell right,or string a sentence to-gether correctly,does'nt that show how thick they are,the west ausies are the worst,they cut down on what they learn at school because they too stupid to take it in,especially history.One west oz arsehole said to me,Australia is the best country in the world,I then said "you have travelled to other countries"he said,"I just know it"duh.And we sent them here for stealing & they have never learn't their lesson.West Aus had alot irish criminals who winged for women,so they brought over low class women.So West ozzie ask where & what your great Grannie was

Anonymous said...

West Aust---s are thckest most bad mannered people I've ever had the misfortune to meet,on the roads,in shopping centre or at a petrol station.They call me a POM when they want to be derogatory.All you will here them say is "Iuf ya don't lieke i-ut mai-te fauck ouff
.I am Scottish from Glasgow/As was your !st GOVERNOR(Stirling)& not a PRISIONER OF your so called MOTHER ENGLAND
"YOU WERE" & mostly were Southern Irish to boot.No You don't have an accent,"get your sinuses cleaned out Mai-te".And by the way you are next in line to be the worst Engineering ISLAND yes Island,after the the country they call Russia & the rest of the SHITE eastern Euoropeans cunt-ries like serbia,croatia,(son-of-a-vitch or fuck-off-sky's)etc.If it was'nt for the British,yes British,of whom I am one of,as it was a Scottish King who united the KINGDOM & combined the flags(the union flag)or jack,this Island would have been overrun with Asians,now its overrun with a stupid Prime Minister,& refugees

Anonymous said...

I'm an American living in Australia and I don't know what to think.

Fact: as soon as I can organize it, I want out of here and back to the US.

But that isn't solely because of the people. Yes, I have found that culture is lacking, the people can be quite remarkably rude and unaccepting of other cultures and opinions other than their own.. But there are good people here too, I'd be lying if I said otherwise.

Also they can be extremely judgemental and narrow-minded, in a thinly veiled way of course.

I want to go back to the US because I'm homesick pure and simple. The US has issues, sure. But hey, it's a country with better food, technology, entertainment etc in my opinion.

I don't hate Australia, but I hate living here.

Anonymous said...

Just to add, kudos to David who compared Australian men to the missing link with no emotional scope who might as well be gorillas.

Bwahaha, so true. 90% of the men here have the emotional range of teaspoon and all the empathy of a cactus. I hate working with them, I cringe when they try to pick me up in social situations, and I'd soon date an actual gorilla.


Ok, feel better now after the rant. Better once I move back away from here.

Anonymous said...

**Sorry, I meant to say 'I'd as soon date an actual gorilla'.

Joshua little said...

I'm a 15 year old AUSTRALIAN and i don't get it the people that you described are a minority those assholes everyone has them so if you hate an entire country because they hate other people then that means you are a hater i don't hate a single person and i just wish people would stop where not a bad country we've given allot of things to this world in the pursuit of freedom for all our soilders have died on shores along with all of the other allied nations we have invented plenty of things like Pre-paid postage, Grain stripper, Refrigerator, Underwater torpedo, Feature film, Tank,Black box flight recorder, Scramjet and Anti-flu Medication these are just some of the things that we have invented i don't hate you for posting this blog i just wish that people wouldn't hate a whole race cause of a tiny group i know that Australia can be racist but gene y here isn't and where the future Australians

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I married one.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. I married one.

Anonymous said...

I am from West London. I moved to Australia five years ago. Here is the lowdown: the country is beautiful; I have seen it all. With Australia still being a new country, there are so many business opportunities so you really can create a great lifestyle for yourself. The problem with Australia? Australians. They are rude, arrogant, extremely shallow, tactless, uneducated, ignorant. They lack morals, they have a very poor command of grammar. They have no wit. Australian women are shallow, bitchy, thick, and only go out with rich men. Australian men are oaves. All they think about are beer, steak, footy, cricket, gambling and frequenting brothels whilst their women wait at home for them. I do not know a single Australian male who is faithful to his partner - regardless of age or whether he has a family. Australian men and women have no substance and no conscious. That is why I choose stick mostly with Europeans, Americans Canadians, South Africans and the Kiwis. Most of whom, share the same view. Problem solved!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone have to be so judgemental? I bet half of you have never met an Australian or even been to Australia. Im Australian myself and Im proud to live in a country free of war and full of easy-going genuinely kind hearted people. Sure some people are racist, sure some people aren't the nicest but Im sure you'd find that in just about every country in the world. I dont judge people by race, nationality, appearance, sexuality I judge people by personality. Because if you think about it, that's what really counts.

crashandtheboys said...

That is really stereotypical, we are one of the most multicultural county in the world alot more than the UK,i have many middle eastern,asian,european,african and native Australians and my greatest friend was from Liverpool.I do not like sport im not raist and i have a high intellect and i have never been to the UK and it was the British who killed alot of the Aboriginals any way even though when im older i would like to because of the colder climate.SO dont base your story on stereotypes because im sure your not sipping tee with the queen while playing polo ayy ?

Anonymous said...

England from an Aussies perspective;

Racist- This entire rant is just another example of how the poms seem to consider themeselves to be superior to everyone else.

Ignorant- The mistreatment of the Indigenous population actually began before Australia was even established as a country, by the British settlers who invaded her shores.

Stupid-genetically thick- Where else in the world could someone be arrested in a Pub on the grounds of "racial incitement" for singing "Kung Fu Fighting" except in a really bad joke?

Close minded- Ouote " Don't say you know a nice Australian - a good bloke - because I bet he has been living in West London for 15 years, and his parents were born in England. He doesn't count." Unquote.

Sport obsesses- Where do those hooligans they call the Barmy army come from anyway?

Soap watching- Our show Neighbours gets higher viewing figures in the UK than it does over in Australia.

Anonymous said...

England from an Aussies perspective;

Racist- This entire rant is just another example of how the poms seem to consider themeselves to be superior to everyone else.

Ignorant- The mistreatment of the Indigenous population actually began before Australia was even established as a country, by the British settlers who invaded her shores.

Stupid-genetically thick- Where else in the world could someone be arrested in a Pub on the grounds of "racial incitement" for singing "Kung Fu Fighting" except in a really bad joke?

Close minded- Ouote " Don't say you know a nice Australian - a good bloke - because I bet he has been living in West London for 15 years, and his parents were born in England. He doesn't count." Unquote.

Sport obsesses- Where do those hooligans they call the Barmy army come from anyway?

Soap watching- Our show Neighbours gets higher viewing figures in the UK than it does over in Australia.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. I am an Australian citizen, though I wish I was in Canada or some place where people were less brash. It was so tough to grow up here in a place where people like to believe they are rough and tough. I just focussed on getting good grades and moving out of here as soon as possible. Almost can, but the reason it is so tough at the moment is because I was in Europe for a year just now and met wonderful people there, experienced lovely culture and historical places, enjoyed gorgeous scenery and delicacies and lived it up. Here it feels like I have to live it down. Anti intellectualism, lack of acceptance or individuality, lack of intercultural dialogue with disharmony in diversity, excessive alcohol consumption and lack of etiquette sits at the core of what needs to change. Immature, abrupt, competitive, angry, uncompassionate, selfish, argumentative, bullying, disrespectful, self righteous, superficial and mean are just some synonyms for Australian. Barren cultureless wasteland is the synonym for Australia.

Anonymous said...

haha it's hilarious watching uneducated people expose themselves. How many Australians could they have possibly met in their life? I'm going to guess a maximum of 500. 500/22million = 0.0023%

Though, having lived in Australia the majority of my life, I agree that it's difficult to find an intelligent one around, but come on! 0.0023% and you're coming to a conclusion!? Really?!

And even considering just the sample size isn't enough. Where did you meet these Australians? Were the majority of them 18 yr old gapyear tourists? If you happened to live in Australia yourself, where did you live? Sydney or something?

Anyway, please, generalisations like that are just far too outrageous.

Anonymous said...

I unfortunately live in Australia and I think there all a pack of ignorant, dumbed downed unintelligent cunts. Also, the women are stuck up men hating, moronic pigs that only date/marry complete wankers. Its also a fucking nanny police state with the rights of the individual at the bottom of the list. After recently spending some time in continental Europe and the U.S for the first time in my life I came to the conclusion after arriving back in Shitney,what a terrible mistake my parents made moving here from New Zealand twenty years ago. I am now planning to leave this shithole as soon as possible. Oh bye the way, I've visited England and I think it's fucking toilet bowl.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that this post is brilliant simply for the fact that it's been going on for five years. Even the Australian outback doesn't flame for half a decade!

P.S. Loved every post BTW.
P.P.S. My side is: "We've all got so much in common!-- There are loads of shitheads in Australia, the US AND England!" Flame on!

Anonymous said...

P.P.P.S. I'm a shithead too and love it!!!

The Bee watcher watcher said...

Are you Fucking Trolling? Or just a complete dick? How can you say that Australians are rascist when by making this post you are being compltetely and utterly rascist! Oh and if you're from England... You can't at all blame us for destroying our indigenous population when it WAS THE BRITS AND EUROPEANS WHO INVADED AUSTRALIA!

HAVE YOU EVER EVEN BEEN TO AUSTRALIA?! Which parts? Surely not enough to give a well rounded opinion. We're all completely different from eachother. Sure there are rascists, jerks, bogan, football watching numbrains but the majority of the country is completely normal. Just like England, Just like America. Not everyone has a swimming pool, people in queensland that do may suffer from devastating floods and cyclones. There is poverty here in large scales, it's just not mentioned in the news all the time. A whole lot of us think the goverment is tight and stupid for some of their policies but really we don't have much say over that.
I think you should back off and keep your opinions to yourself until you have a justified case.

Angus said...

I don't have a clue why people would hate Australians just because they met a few of the dipshits. I'm Australian and 16 and I've met plenty of arseholes throughout school, some Australian, some aren't. I also know this English kid and he is a wanker but I don't discriminate his country just because he acts like that.

Mainly every so called "Australian" who is hating their country because they had a worthless childhood filled with the bloody idiots. They generalise a whole country due to their personal encounters. I just find it sad that they can't get over it and move on.

Anyways the people who are calling the whole country racist is just a hypocrite, I mean seriously get the fuck over yourself. Every nation has their ups and downs, so just stop with the racism to Australia. Please.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually shocked at the amount of people who would head over to the USA, rather than stay in Australia. Yes, it's racist...
policies adopted by the English colonies....
(nonetheless still a racist country)
but would you rather go to the US, where anyone who doesn't read the fucking bible gets looked at as if they're a terrorist?
in terms of the major english speaking nations of the world, both aus and nz have it the best... mind you, NZ does need to improve their transport system.
oh yeah, and, canada's let down by their obese neighbour...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. I saw this video and the lack of compassion and utter idiocy of the "commentators" boiled my blood... What IS wrong with these people?


Anonymous said...

I was born in Australia and moved to England with my family when i was 6, i am now back in Australia completing a Degree at University. There are a few things i am extremely thankful for everyday, and now that i am back in Australia one of the main things i am so thankful for is, THAT I GOT TAKEN TO ENGLAND AT THE AGE OF SIX! Thaaaaaaank yoooooooou loooooooord!!!!!!!!!
Australians you all need to sort yourselves out!!! I have been so lucky to meet two AMAZING...ish (when i think about it ones actually way better that the other) Australians but apart from that all my other friends are all different nationalities! Many Australians have absolutely no manners and seem to be socially retarded! A HUGE amount of the women i have met take pride in having as many sexual partners as possible and all the men i have met either try and guilt trip you into sleeping with them or have the conversation ability of a turd! ‘Oh hi (add male name here) how are you? What have you been up to?... ‘wooOOOooork, GyyyYYYYmmm, yeeeear’ (add odd stare that looks like they are going to carry on the conversation but don’t)!!!????
Luckily for me i am in the ‘right’ place at the right time, i get to get a degree while England unfortunately is going through a recession. Then once my four years are up I’m going to gladly skip to the airport and board my one way gorgeous flight back to the UK :D
Yes England is not perfect but people are what make places for me, and the people in Australia definitely DO NOT make this place! Give me a crisp cold night in a little pub full of interesting intellectual people, nicely dressed with GOOD HYGENE any day!
I’m so ‘oooveeeer’ going on nights out surrounded by Men wearing the most pointless ‘singlet’s’ i have ever seen (guys if the straps fall below your nipples it’s not a top!) that literally seem to refuse to have a laugh, and RIDICULOUSLY over tanned women that only seem to be on a night out with the hope that they end the night under some random booooring Australian man while he ‘RooOOts eEEr’
Seriously ooooh myyyy ! What has happened and how does this type of social behaviour develop in such a short amount of time! Is this the result of sending colonials to a hot country! We really must NOT be able to handle the heat!
So until the amazing day of finishing my degree and being able to fly back home with my future husband (who also agrees he wants to get out of Australia due to the pure petrifying fear of bringing up an Australian!! ... shudder) i will keep doing what i do best and adamantly make sure I make the best out of a bad situation.
Love from an Australian born European! (Again thank God... or Buddha, Ishvar, Allah, Vishnu, Krishna Rama.... fait, karma or even the Universe! Just thank you to whatever higher power had something to do with me moving to England at the age of 6)

Anonymous said...

I am an Australian.
I can agree that there are lots of Australian dick heads and we do have people that possess the qualities stated BUT not every Australian is like that. You cannot base a whole country on a few people you have met or witnessed. I am a well educated, polite, teenage girl that would go to any other country and respect them and their ways. I would also respect you and your opinion if you didn't say it in such a rude and judgmental way. Australians are light hearted, positive,family orientated, friendly and hard workers, you seem to forget that there are positives and negatives to every race. I am offended by the things written on this page.

Anonymous said...

All of you are forgetting that although Australia has SOME minor faults like racism in certain areas(which happens everywhere around the globe) America has a lot more problems with it.

For example their health insurance is horrible, so is their education so much so that people who are graduating do not know all of the states in USA and how to spell simple words like sustainability.

As for killing off their indiginous people, if you recall, Americans have also done this. Killing and herding out the native indian tribes.

Also I am Australian and find this blog to be extremely offensive, racist, prejudiced and ignorant.

So to put it as kindly as I can, Fuck you.

Max said...

I'm Australian, and I am nothing like this. Some Australians (the wealthy ones) are raised in a normal English-like manner. Yeah, I agree with you here, I hate those thick-headed, sport-obsessed dumbfucks that represent our country. The sophisticated ones out of us should be the ones people should think of when they think of Australia. "An offspring of England", which is basically how it was supposed to be...

Anonymous said...

I'm from Australia, and you can tell me to "Fuck off" or whatever, but i'm not the one bashing your country... So to all the hate comments, your jealous you have to go out and verbally abuse another country behind your computer, well Australia is a great place (we have our shit like every other country) and im glad to live here, so please stop saying shit like things, and go ahead prove me right by calling me something nasty, I dont have to stoop to your level, get a life and leave Australia alone, we did fight the Vietnamese, so did America

Anonymous said...

From the UK, i have worked in Australia, 2 years now and find without exception Aussies to be selfish, racist, and self obsessed, both in and out of the workplace.
I came to Sydney to "live the dream". What a mistake. I have lived in many countries and now realise that i cannot find a better example of a country that typifies the selfish, racist nature of the world we live in today! I have grown to hate the country and its people and can't wait to get back to civilisation.

Yes, I leave with an uncharacteristic feeling of hatred for all things Australian.

Anonymous said...

England, you are welcome to you weather, your opinions, and your people - I am happy to stay in my climate with all my racist friends. However please bear in mind, next time your useless nation needs front line soldiers to save your backsides, don't come to the commonwealth, cos we have long memories.

FlahretyFinnal said...

Can I ask a favour. Someone has included my email here in their comment and I would like it deleted. Is that possible?

Anonymous said...

You know what, I'm Australian!
Yeh you get some of the doll bludgers, but I'm hardworking (11 hours per day, 7 days a week!) and pay all of my taxes!

Not every Aussie is the description you so openly discussed!

I do think that Australia could be more exciting, but who cares, we get heaps of paid public holidays! at least our beaches are amazing, gorgeous weather! And we don't need pretentious things to make us happy!

What happened with our indigenous people was terrible, but that was literally years ago..its time to move on! and we fully support them now and they get every benefit and eligibility possible! (I pay for them in taxes!)

So to say that we are 'Scum' as you so nicely summed up the whole country, really makes you look like the fool! For the reason that your only speaking of a tiny percentage of this vast country!

And as for the immigrants, I'm not even going to start on that because in my opinion, its diminishing Australia and the future of this beautiful country!

P.s I hate watching sport! playing it is awesome though..but atleast were passionate about something!
And your not getting up my nice, I'm simply letting you know that you fucked up but blogging that condascending essay!

And I've never been to the UK and do not intend on it! The Mediterranean is way better! By far!!

So YOU shut up and sit down! And before you write something PATHETIC about my country again..THINK TWICE!


Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding me. I am assuming you are English? Which is ironic. England has committed countless racist atrocities and has the strongest immigration laws in the world. And what you seem to forget is the English not only infest Australian beaches while complaining endlessly but they are also one of the biggest drains on the Australian government support. A lot of English come to Australia and use government support. All I can say is 'pot, kettle, black'

Anonymous said...

Penicillin was invented by nazi scientists.

Anonymous said...

Australians are a bunch of 龟头 ppl.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should judge an entire country of people based on the actions or the attitudes of a few people within that country. That's like saying English people are all tea drinking snobby people who drive mini coopers and ride in those top deck buses. I'm from Australia and I am by no means racist. I'm saving to travel the world because I really want to meet new people with different culture backgrounds and beliefs. Yes, there are a few racist people here...but they're not all like that!!! In actual fact there is nothing I hate more than people who don't accept other people for who they are, and that is exactly what you are doing here! Don't you see that by writing something so juvenile is being racist? You are being worse than any racist person because at least they don't shove their racism down everyone else's throats and refuse to listen to anyone elses responses...It is so racist to sit here and judge an entire country of people bases on your beliefs. Not until you've actually been here and met every single person and spoken to all the lovely, welcoming men, women and children that live in this country should you ever be allowed an opinion.

Yours sincerely,

A non racist Australian.

Anonymous said...

I just thought you might like to know that Penicillin was found in Australia and we found ways to applicate its use to treat bacterial infections such as Syphilis, Staphylococcus and Streptococci infections.
Also, Wi-Fi technology was invented in Australia.
The hills hoist, another marvellous Australian innovation.
The black box, found in airplanes, is an Australian invention. So are those inflatable aircraft escape slides and rafts, the electric drill, garage roller door, latex gloves, the notepad, polymer bank notes, refrigeration, the ballot box, electronic pace makers, the bionic ear, humidicrib, spray on skin (for burns victims) and the self constructing tower crane, all of these are Australian inventions.

Something tells me that the majority of the world now benefit from Australian inventions. So you can be mad about how Australians are such "ignorant, stupid, close-minded, sport obsessed soap watching morons" in the world but at the end of the day, as a country we've made a considerable amount of contribution to the world considering we only account for 0.33% of the global population.

If you hate Australia and Australians so much, then why don't you boycott everything Australian?
Have fun with your mouldy food, limited medical treatment and LAN internet.

Anonymous said...

Im an aussie and after living in Europe for over 10 years, and learning to hate all European cultures equally. I cant wait to get back to australia and make life as miserable as possible for European immigrants in general, but I will particularly relish opportunities to make life hell for English and the Dutch..Especially in the work place, job interviews, basically any chance i get to make one of you feel a little more isolated and alone, a little less welcome, I will devour the opportunity with relish. So many of you come to Australia to escape your home, the weather, the spineless misery of the people and make a fresh start and what pisses me off about aussies is how naively welcoming we are towards you European scum... that needs to really change.. so I applaud your blog for the inpsiration I hope many many more Australians will read it ..and stop this freindly welcoming accepting nonsense with foreigners in general but particularly the British and the Dutch. Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

I know what you are trying to say. I am Ausrtalian and hate this country. As soon as I am 18 years old, I am going to move to The United States of America. I am probably one of the most Un- Australian, Australians ( Excuse my bad grammar). I dance ( Ballet, Tap and Jazz), I hate any form of sport, I dream of going to an Ivy Legue College to study Law, I do not swear, I have never been camping. ( apart from school camps which are not in tents and I absolutely loathe and have to go on a school camp on Monday), I hate dirt, being muddy, outdoors, snakes, spiders, sharks an any form of wild animals. Oh and my favorite color is "PINK" which is totally Un-Australian. I also spell all thins the American-English way such as mom, color and favorite. Many people tell me and I quote " If you don't love Australia then F*** off!" I would love to leave but with my father owning multiple land, houses and businesses and my parents also being divorced, oh and being only 13, it is, well, impossible! My mother and father are not so called "Bogans" either. My father is a well groomed man who always wears suits, polished shoes, is always clean and has absolutly NO tattoos. All of his cars are Europian. My mother is also a bit like me apart from the fact she doesn't loathe Australia and some of her clothing is Australian designer. It is absolutely embarrassing having an Australian accent. I will never bring my children to this country. I can not wait until I am out of this country, because once I leave I am NEVER coming back.

Anonymous said...

Most of the population in Australia are not convicts.
They are descendants of the various minor tribes of England's aboriginal stock, who were used as a slave-class, subjugates by the ruling class, who were in fact of a more advanced Prussian/Latin/Roman ancestry.

Important Note! These tribes are the savage stone-age, quite hirsute & ugly by any standard humans. Their culture was basic hunt & gather, with very little, if any, artistic capabilities, and somewhat bland disdain for nature herself.

Until middle-ages, this was merely an indigenous issue for the Old Empire.
But towards the end of 18th century & into the industrial age, this breed of native English-white men (& their women & children) were becoming a bit numerous in the city slums and simply an eyesore around the countryside.

They were incapable of proper manners, let alone comprehending modern man's logic. Nor could they contribute to his progress, other than through hard toil.
Yet they wanted an equal share of the spoils, of the comforts achieved by an advancing, modern, society.

Unlike today, it was far more easier back in the horse days, to just send large chunks of the irksome working class to some desert island on the other side of the known world, & leave them there to rot in the sun.
Unfortunately, there were also plenty of conquered Irishmen loaded onto the same ships. These were a more dosile, slightly more cultured group of humans.

The problem is this...the Empire has left the colony unchecked, allowing this rotten sub-class of indigenous Englishmen to gradually gain authority,
and to this point have take control of mos t all the law, education, and even culture.

They have inter-bred with waves of migrants desperate enough to even come here, and now call themselves the Aussie tribe.
They are rude, stupid, incapable in all cultural aspects, racist to an animal instinct degree, very xenophobic, quietly violent, & efficient only at hard toil.
Over about 10 generations these aboriginal English isle people have not progressed at all.

Thus 12 years after the Olympic games have left Sydney, they still chant

Ozy, Ozy, Ozy....PUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello all.

I'm Australian and believe you are more than welcome to have and express your opinion. So I'm going to do the same.

Does anyone remember the 2011 England riots? You have no idea what the world thinks of England after that. Your country is disgusting. Not long after the riots there was an hour long news story on the poverty in England. Enough said.

Australia 1, England 0

immie said...

sounds like jealousy, just becasue the best of great britans population left to come to Australia 200 years go. it must be wonderful to live in a country thats not filled with skin heads - oh sorry, thats austraila.

immie said...

whilst Australia has endured some race issues, they have not degenerated into nights of rioting

Anonymous said...

So australians have invented nothing you say? How many of you are using wireless interent to comment on this? Well sorry to tell you but, its just another of our great Aussie inventions

Anonymous said...

Just saying, I hate Australian's as much as the rest of the world.. But you understand that it was in fact the English who killed all of the Aboriginals? Yeah.

mtran said...

I randomly came across this blog and I know its been around 6 years ago but I have to say I find it to be very offensive. My parents were one of those Vietnamese boat people who came to Australia, and they have been eternally grateful, you speak of them as if they were a punishment to Australia. Don't you think it's a bit harsh to generalise 20 million people to be "racist, ignorant, stupid - genetically thick, close-minded, sport obsessed, soap watching morons."

Australia is the second most multicultural country, which means most of them probably have very different lifestyles, morals and standards so you can't really generalise a country with so much diveristy in its people.

And if you are going to generalise the country, at least do some research or at the very least come to Australia and meet all the different kinds of people so you have some validity to your points. There's so much in this post and in the comments that are just so wrong and completely stupid I can't even be bothered to comment on them. It really makes me wonder how many educated people there really is on this blog.

"Australians can't, generally write." You're bloody kidding me.

Gracie :S said...

Guys, please just stop for one minute. All of us are making assumptions here about one another. Nobody has the right to act like they know an entire country by being introduced to a few people, who for all you know could have had a bad day and didn't truly mean any harm. I feel sorry for those who are fighting each other. I'm sorry that you had to meet people like that, I will apologize if you were mistreated. On the point about not getting along, maybe you should also think, was I nice to them? One of us just needs to be mature, not get angry and calm the others and make them see sense. I'll admit I was absolutely furious when i saw what you thought of Australians, not only were you simply screaming at me "I hate you, you're a lowlife, you don't deserve to live" then i got upset, that you were even thinking, I don't care if millions of people die. Again, i got furious! You were threatening my family, friends, home and country! You were calling them horrible people, I will tell you now that they are kind, generous people. My brother, sure, he is rather lazy but when I felt horrible, that there was no need for me to be alive, he made me think twice. My sister, who I admit when i was a selfish brat, i treated her horribly, yet when i was crying, because i had no friends, she hugged me, told me she loved me, she wouldn't let me go until there was a true smile on my face. My friends, when the day is dull, they always manage to say something funny and everything is suddenly worth while that day.

To the blogger, I pity you. For whatever that has happened to you, I pity that you decide to hate @0 million people you don't know and call us abominations. I will admit, every country has those odd ones and everyone has sometimes uncontrollable emotions and do something wrong. Hopefully one day, the numbers of racists etc- will start to minimize. One day there won't be eternal hate but acceptance for people for who they are!

I apologize for my fellow Australians who have made foul comments about 9/11. I'm just a 12 year old girl turning 13, I was just a baby on that day. But.. when I was old enough to know things like it, my heart tore when i saw pictures of those burning towers. I imagined that while those picture were taken, inside someone realized they were about to die.

Everybody realise, that one insulting sentence made an Australian insulted, they spoke out of anger and defense for themselves and the ones you wrongly slandered. Also, I will get serious when I say, even if you are angry- DON'T YOU DARE SLANDER HEROES! Steve Irwin, even though he is dead, I still see him as an amazing, inspirational man. He loved animals just as much as he loved the people of earth. He did no wrong, only good! Hahaha, the only one on a video that i've seen walk past a salt water crocodile without any fear or hate towards it! Many agree that Steve wouldn't blame the Stingray that killed him, he would forgive the stingray as fast as the speed of lightning!

I'm Australian, 12 years and 11 months old, I go to high school, I love to sing, dance horribly but still have a good time, write my own songs and write fantasy stories, draw and learn more about history and other countries. I want to one day either become a singer-song writer, mangaka or/and novelist. I want to inspire people to never give up and accept others for who they are. Even if I only inspire one person, than they will try to finish what I dreamed of!

... yeah, I think the last sentence was a bit corny for a high school girl- ah well.

Anonymous said...

Critisizing a whole nation for a few arrogant people is pathetic, I am 16 and Australian, I am not loud or racist, I am not commenting this to change anyone's opinions but, I'm pretty certain that the English (which I'm assuming you are) 200 years ago sent the first fleet (a group of ships) to Australia, back then they were ENGLISH, most were convicts, others were new settlers and crewmen from the ships. So technically you, the ENGLISH ruined the indigenous community. By the way instead of pointing out all of my countrys faults, how about yours, bringing in Africans to your country and using them as slaves, beating them, taping them, and the majority of parliament not wanting slavery abolished, the country I am proud to live in may not be perfect, but let's
Face it, neither is yours, not by a long shot,
So until it is I suggest keep your hypocritical, snobbish, arsehole opinions to yourselves

Anonymous said...

One thing iv learnt about australians , they love claiming things as there own .Take alook at some of the bands from the 80s , most of the lead singers were not even " australian " . They even claimed Farlap as there own . Even Russel Crow , funey how they say hes australian until he has a run in with someone .....then hes Kiwi Russel Crow . australians are the most pig headed people iv ever meet. And iv traveled 32 countrys .

Anonymous said...



READ the pages above PENICILLIN is NOT an Australian discovery

just proves the point that aussies are lied to by their own gov and education system in a way that makes their own country seem more important to the world than it actually is.

Tom said...

Jealous much, I think so. It's all good for you sitting you your little chair telling people how much you HATE others, especially a whole demographic of people, sounds like racism to me, think before you preach. Or maybe your life isn't going the way you want it, tough luck Suzan, that's life.
Dumb arse!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My parents were migrants from Italy, am I cool?

Jeremy from Perth said...

Hi I'm Australian. I find this hate filled post extremely funny. Just such mindless hate from angry people who would never actually say this in real life only brave enough to say it on the net. But there seem to be many more I hate Brits or Yanks threads on the net. You guys should try harder hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I bet your a pommy ey, looks like i better tell that pommy prick i work with to fuck off, since he came from his shit country, with shit climate, overweight genetically ugly people, high crime rate, and poor economy, yet they immigrate to australia cause they cant get work let alone live in such a society filled with selfish pompous assholes. I can already think of something good we have done thats benifited the world its called penicillin you arrogant motherfucker, btw if you were not such a braindead retard you would realize Americas debt is now almost unpayable, and China has the worlds largest defence force. Im so sick of all these people that flock here crying for a better life then bag the fuck out of our country.

To whoever wrote the comment above the star's

Nah man. Im an Australian and was born in wa. ive gotten more racist replies from fellow Aussies accusing me of being from another country of some description for just saying that if there was one country i could live in it would be one with non racist, friendly and intelligent people from every different race who all followed the same religion whatever that religion might be shit would be sweet.

I dunno why im even coming back and writing replies, i know im never gonna win against the constant flow of internet hero's. i guess there are far to many people that are fucking retarded. every race has its shit people and every race has its good people, as listed below:

Australia: Has Bogans which are white racist trailer trash that drink so much booze they cant even fucking walk properly that give the rest a bad name. There are also a lot of violent aboriginals that are fucked but there are still a fair few that are normal people. Note: Yes white Australians can be very racist sometimes (and don't go saying im a different colour if you're white because i am too)

Americans: You guys have way to many races for me to name, there are fucked people from every race like the general trailer trash, gangs and criminals. But im sure there are still a lot off decent americans.

England: You guy's are also flooded with races, but in the general view of the world all those white trash drug fucked skinhead's that live off of mainly alcohol give the general population a shit name.

But in the end with today's society there are just too many stereotypes and things that represent stereotypical views on every race that entice hate within the minds of primitive people who don't have a higher view of what the world could be.

Anonymous said...

You should watch drunk, dumb and racist. All about how Australians are being perceived in India. That would prove a point about all these comments on here, good and bad. On abc 1 at the moment. Enjoy.

Steve M said...

I see that the main problem with some Australians is that they have nothing better to do with themselves, other than to go out of their way to make anybody who appears to be different miserable.

I am white from European decent, and they never fail to make me feel like a second class citizen.

Establishing rapport with these people, I find, is almost impossible, so I have stopped trying. The best solution I have found is to just stay away from them.

I try hard to not categorize all Australians as the arrogant, rude, abusive people that they seem to be, but when you are at the receiving end of their malice, you just can't help yourself.

Anonymous said...

I am Australian (live in Australia) and I hate 90% of Australians. Arrogant, rude, racist, backward and closed minded are words i'd use to describe them.

I hate how Aussies claim that their country is 'the best' and 'the lucky country' when few of these people have actually travelled (or researched on the internet) to other countries at all. Australia is behind in education, telecommunications, transport (heck, the main route from Sydney to Brisbane is still one lane in each direction most of the way) and just about any other area you can think of. How is this the 'best country in the world'?

Aussies are also extremely rude, heck, many have no concept of 'offensive language' at all and deem it perfectly acceptable to use the 'f' and 'c' words regularly.

Racism and xenophobia are also extremely prelevant in Australia. My girlfriend is Indian (born in Australia) and the amount of racist bullsh** she has copped just for the colour of her skin is beyond belief. She hates it here too, she wants out, as do I.

Rant end.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Australian and not proud for many of the reasons listed here. Interestingly enough, I'm happy to acknowledge that despite my lack of pride, I'll avoid where you come from because I think your communication is akin to many folk who come from here. In the general sense, I think you're on the toxic side. Who educated you into your mind set? Mummy and daddy? Or just snippets of information that you choose to grab hold of and run with as a means to express your own levels of negativity?

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. this blog isn't even serious. what a troll blog. if this shit is serious yous are just pussies online.

PS I'm not Australia. I'm English myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know where to begin with this post.
Every single country in the world is subject to the things you criticize Austalians for. As before mentioned, 'bogans' are similar to American 'hillbillies' or possibly British 'chavs'. We use the term bogan in passing, and it is not meant in a derogatory way whatsoever.
I won't dwindle too long on the Indigenous Australians issue. The British instigated the assimilation of the indigenous culture, and in 2007/8 the Australian government issued a formal apology to the Indigenous Australian community.
I will agree that the quality of life in Australia is worsening. Everything has become more expensive and families are struggling more than ever before - but from what I understand it is like this in the United States and Britain too? Every country has a right to complain - and they do. So how about we all back off and not generalise one encounter with one person from that country - to the whole nation? Let's all act like adults, shall we?

Anonymous said...

Awww sweety seems like someone had a bad experience an Aussie, didnt they return your calls or something? it really sucks for you that you hate Australia, but it's not like we're going anywhere and if you believe Australians are all related to criminals then you better shut your trap or you'll be fed to the sharks ;) your a joke if you think your better so shove it up your tits and get a life, it's not our fault your ugly with no tan

Unknown said...

I find this post ill-informed and also completely wrong in several regards. As an asian in residence in the aforementioned country and i can absolutely say without any issue that the vast majority of australians are indeed very cordial and polite. i cannot possibly comprehend what may have prompted such an irate expression of hate. In the suburban areas people are very willing to socialise and many australians in the system of academia are of course very educated and eloquent. i recommend a
doco by the name of 'dumd drunk and racist' a revealing look into the fibre of australia's social scene

Anonymous said...

I think the main reason people think Australians are racist is because of our humor, but if so, we're racist to ourselves also. Our jokes are humor only, and recently there's been speculation (e.g. the show Can of Worms) as to wether racist jokes should be kept within your own friend group. I agree with that, everyone I know agrees with that, and it's a good policy, because we find racist jokes funny, but do not say them or laugh at them to be mean, cruel, demeaning etc. And just to mention, I attent an academically gifted school (no, we are not dumb), and over half of the students are non-caucasian. They are treated EXACTLY the same as everyone I have ever met, and I don't see why they shouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

"They single handedly humiliated, subjugated, and destroyed their indigenous peoples".
it's good you care so much about the indigenous people against the whites funny how you refer to only white people in Australia as Aussies who you bag out. im australian and aboriginal so i should probably fuck off right?

basically aborigonal culture doesnt regard white and other australians as true australians- their british people who your people sent to invade so don't act all high and mighty. I've spent some time in England and it's equally as rasist just more 'politely'-- the same politeness with which you destroyed my culture.

"Aussies have nothing apart from a sun tan, a few swimmers and a cricket team" ... and also the world's oldest culture

so please don't disrespect my country with your snobby hate against your own people and culture you created.

Anonymous said...

As a very proud, honest, educated and POLITE Australian, I welcome all cultures here to enjoy this fantastic country and share it with their friends and family. However, I am more than happy to see rude, disgruntled moronic idiots like yourself and others ranting in this post to go back to your own country and pollute it with your vulgar personality, saves us the problem. We offer citizenship, housing, jobs and a great Mulitcultural lifestyle here and if you think you can get better elsewhere, be my guest and get out!

Average australian said...

Instantly dismissed as yet another winging pom.....

Anonymous said...

As an Australian who does not like our government, racism, homophobia, or any of the less redeeming qualities about this country that have been previously stated, I would still like to say that the post seems to be incredibly generalised. However, many of the comments attempting to defend Australia are not doing that very well - firstly by swearing and generalising back at the author of this blog, which I believe is entirely hypocritical!
I would like to believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, given that it doesn't harm anyone. I am not going to respond to what seems to me as taunts about Australia in a similarly offensive form, but I would like to give the only thing I can: my experience. As an Australian-born with parents and grandparents and great-grandparents who migrated to Australia from Scotland, I would completely agree that there are many things that I very much dislike about Australia. However, as I currently attend a private school, I cannot say that I have encountered many Australians who are rude or violently racist in any way. As a seventeen year old Australian I would also like to state that I have never set foot in a pub etc, therefore I would then ask if I am then included in the previous generalisations about drunk, loud-mouthed Australian women.

I am an Australian woman, and I don't believe that I have ever gotten drunk, tried to force my opinions on anyone, or said anything at all racist to anyone.

There was a comment here about all Australians being ugly and, before I ask what the relevance of that is, I actually looked at myself in the mirror and know I am slightly unappealing aesthetically, but is that really all I am? My face and body? What about morals, beliefs and values? My values and beliefs come down to a couple of things: equality in all people and animals (yes, I am an ethical vegetarian), an openness to all opinions, that one should care for everyone, even if you haven't met them, because all people have their own value, no matter what. And if some don't like these values simply because I am Australian, then perhaps they should inspect their own a little more closely.
People are people and all deserve respect, and I don't think that this post has shown anyone respect, including the author, which makes me sad. It doesn't matter what country you're from, all that matters is that you are you, whether you believe God created you that way, or if that's the way nature designed everything to be, or that's how you happened to be randomly made because everyone has worth!

As for the people saying that they hate all Australians, I would particularly like to get to know you, in order for you to learn more about who we Australians are. And, as I wrote 'we', I thought that perhaps I could not identify myself as Australian because I am not the stereotypical Aussie, but then, should it not follow that absolutely anyone who does not fit into a stereotype would then have no country? Such as the fat trigger-happy American (not that I am in any way saying that I believe that that is who all Americans are for one minute, because everyone is different and you cannot simply label someone and say that is all they are ever going to be)?

As a whole, it may be that we are what is described above, but I have to disagree with anyone who would tell me that every single Australian is exactly like the image portrayed here.

Although I wish to explore the world before even starting to make any judgement on whether to form the opinion that Australia is either better or worse in some areas of living and/or culture, and although I do dislike a few aspects of the 'Australian character', I like living in Australia.

I hope that sharing my experiences and beliefs here will help anyone who is unhappy in their seemingly mindless and generalised hating of Australians.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with the OP. If you disagree, you do not really know any Australians. Empty headed racist nothings.

I luv owls said...

"They offer nothing to the world in terms of technical or scientific advancement - not even a good sun bloc!!" haven't invented anything... Are you serious!! they actually have invented many things and I have listed them
stone tools
the stump-jump plough
the combine harvester
the self propelled rotary hoe
Dynamic lifter fertiliser
the tank bred tuna system
The box kite
the sarich engine
wave piercing catameran
The dif (differential gears)
The ute
degaussing of ships
black box flight recorder
inflatible aircraft escape slide and raft
variable ratio rack
Pinion steering
Zeta platform
hyshot scramjet engine
deakin T squared car
the electric drill
kiwi shoe polish
the two stroke lawn mower
latex gloves
the notepad
the record changer
shepherd's castors
aerogard insect repellent
pre paid postage
xerox photocopying
blast glass
Vegemite (my personal favourite)
wine cask
zip instant boiling water heater
The australiqan ballot
National integrity system
electronic pacemaker
The bionic ear
begg orthodontics
the humidicrib
samba software
moldflow software
uniloc software protection
internet wifi
Google maps
free music machine
australian rules football
the 'australian crawl'
The tote
Race cam
the winged jkeel
access class dinghies
speedo swimwear
the teleprinter
the pedal wireless
X-ray crystallograpphy
the mills cross
gene shears

there you have about three quraters of it yea soooooo I guess you were wrong

Anonymous said...

Okay. You're generalising a LOT here. Those loud-mouthed, ignorant racist "Australians" are regarded as a subculture by many people in Australia. Members of this subculture, typically known as "bogans" are the topic of your rant, not ordinary Australian people. It's a terrible shame that they dominate the Aussie Stereotype, with such taglines as "STRAYA CUNT" dominating social networks like Facebook and Twitter, as well as internet communities like Reddit, 9Gag, and even 4chan. As for the immigration situation, we can't accept everyone (much like Canada from 1939 to 1941). Our arable land totals less than 9% of our overall area; so it's more difficult than you think to maintain a steady export market with an ever-increasing population and the same amount of land. As for the claims that we have made no contributions to science, bullshit; Jim Frazier dazzled the entertainment and film industry with his lens, capable of shooting multiple angles with perfect focus from one position. Please don't generalise; it's very offensive to normal people, and please do some research before you rant and make false statements.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Some real anger here. Extremely harsh and biased (well, duh). And you know what will happen? One day you'll have to deal with an Australian and you'll discover that maybe they're not so bad after all. What if you're in a car accident or something and your surgeon is Australian? Sounds like you'd rather die than be anywhere near one (and heaven forbid, have to owe your life to one!). Oh well, your loss. Have a nice life!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do agree that it was one of the worst things in the world that Australia drived out their indigenous people and attacked them, yet it isn't mentioned that the USA killed millions of their indigenous people with a disease. Australia is bad, but USA is worse in terms of racism and how they treat their indigenous population.

Anonymous said...

To the person who wrote this blog:
Let me start of by saying I'm Australian, and before you tell me to fuck off, read this:
I am aware that Australia has had some hate. Yes we've done some stupid things over the years. Yes we can be a little racist, yes there was a time where we discriminated our indigenous people, yes we can be dumb and rude at times, and yes we are sport and soap obsessed. Now let me correct these faults by going backwards.
Is it really a bad thing to watch sport and soaps. Australia is proud to be a sporting capitol, it brings friends and family together and it involves teamwork and dedication. We also like to watch soap operas. So what? We like to watch drama. They're not even that popular. Frankly this is just nit picking.
Not all of us are dumb and rude. Come and venture here a bit longer and you'll actually meet some lovely, nice people. We have the occasional dickhead, but doesn't every nation. There are rude people in this world, wherever you are. A majority of Australians support gay marriage even though it isn't legal here and there have been many fights to legalize it. The reason behind that is because we want to see all Australians find happiness and love with their significant other, no matter what their sexual preference is. You just have to focus on the nice people. Plus, we have had some smart people here. Australians have created penicillin, the first ultrasound device, the first pacemaker and yes we've made incredibly good sunscreen, zinc cream.
While we discriminated our indigenous people, may I remind you that mostly this was years and years ago when the British came here and when we had very strict political views. I know this was made six years ago, but we have made progression into making sure our indigenous culture get the respect they deserve. In 2008, our former prime minister, Kevin Rudd, made a formal apology on behalf of the government for the acts on the stolen generation. That was a major historical moment and always will be.
Finally, on the claims that we are racist. Okay, I'll admit, some Australians, and notice how I've said "some", have been a little racist. We did that stint on Hey, Hey It's Saturday, some of us have discriminated against other races. But again, isn't every nation at some point racist. Again, not all of us are racist, and while we're on topic, the way you talk about us and other countries makes you very hypocritical. Not all of us are drunken, simple minded bogans. That's just a stereotype.
Next time do a little thinking before writing a rant about a nation that on the whole is one of the most, if not the most, livable country in the world. I'm Australian and proud of it.

Anonymous said...

Australia is a beautiful country with kind and intelligent people. Stop being so bitter u lonely haters.

Anonymous said...


Nice try.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loathe Australia.
For me, it is an isolated hell. Contact with the rest of the world is arduous.
To call anyone abroad is difficult due to the time change.
A flight from this large island is costly and very long.
Getting any decent quality products, clothes and service locally, does not exist.
The products are unavailable due to rigid archaic regulations.
Customer Service from retailers to hotels is of the poorest standard.
A 3 star hotel in Australia is a 1 star by global standard. If you would like a decent hotel that is an adequate level of cleanliness, 5 star hotels are the only option, and for that you will pay AUD300.00 plus.
People are not “relaxed” they are “Lazy”. From that perspective it is quite plausible to understand why immigration is based on a points system, allowing mostly qualified individuals in the Country. This ‘Lazy” demeanour can be extended to the level of intelligence of the Australian population, having undertaken studies at some of the colleges, the standards are extremely poor. For a so called first world country it is appalling. My husband of course has very well taken advantage of this, here in Australia he is an absolute genius. In Germany he is lazy or ill equipped to compete in terms of intelligence, and unfortunately is the reason I am stuck in this culturally and socially unexposed, isolated hell. The Australians of course require the intelligence of a better level so that the existence of this baron land to continues. The Opera House was designed and built by foreigners; The roads and infra-structure upgrade undertaken by foreigners; The head of largest bank in Australia is a South African women being paid Millions to improve the banking system in this country. It is also the idea that companies need to have some sort of footprint on this continent that compels them to invest in the Country. It is only once they are here that they realise, that with a population of 20 million, and only a small percentage of that would support the business, depending on the industry, do they realise that the investment was not viable.
..... continued......

Anonymous said...

Living in Australia is extremely expensive. Property whether buying or renting, in relation to the average national wage is at an insane unjustified level. People earning AUD70 000 are sharing apartments. Going out is costly, parking, taxi fare, beverage costs, food, etc. The cost of decent quality clothing and shoes is very high, which would account perhaps for the tragic aesthetic. Further health and fitness costs are ludicrous and which I too believe is a contributory factor in Australia being classified as the fattest nation in the world under 25.
Australians cannot drive. Anything above 50Km/h and an accident is bound happen. Most accidents occur as a mechanic put it, is “because people have fallen asleep behind the wheel”. A friend of mine has likened driving in Australia to “a moving carpet”, that is 2 cars driving alongside each other and the car in the fast lane driving 1km faster than the car in the slow lane. Australians are simply not alert and competent behind the wheel, due to the ridiculous speed limits enforced.
Australians it would appear have a serious gambling and drinking problem. This is evident by the insane amount of breathalyser tests carried out by the police annually, morning, afternoon and night. It is further evidenced by the night life available, which constitutes mostly pubs and drinking spots [Very few clubs/dancing establishments]. Gambling is a constant topic on the news, and is weighted by the large amount of casinos, betting outlets and “pokie” machines.
Sydney is described a vibrant, bustling metropolis. From the many years I have been forced to here, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Racism and segregation is prominent and evident. It is perhaps not noted in any law, but it very much alive and practised. Cultures don’t integrate. Suburbs are divided according to ethnicity. You have your Italian division, Greek area, Lebanese suburb, and so forth. When employment interviews are conducted, candidates are eliminated based on the Surname if it indicates a racial profile.
Standing in the centre of the city and observing the energy and its purported dynamic culture, even attempting to feel the exuberance of this culture – There is absolutely nothing.
Women, there are a plenty, quantity is not an issue. Quality though is another problem. Men, it’s simply quality. The lack of hygiene, the lack of care in aesthetic and appearance, even going to the Opera House, an Australian icon, locals wear flip-flops. No desire or ambition to excel and achieve in life. Quite content with becoming a piece of leather, soaking up the harsh run rays, in this abominable humidity. No etiquette. English and elocution, well one could almost swear it is not their native language. [On a side note, the statics are such; there is a great shortage of men in the country, and added to that a heterosexual male shortage, as such women are extremely desperate in their endeavours to secure a male companion – I note this from reading one of the blog post on the behaviourism of the female Australian expat].
My view of this nation over the years has not improved, in fact with each passing day my detest grows, as I experience further the wonder and awe that the world has been so duped into regarding this waste land, buoyed only by mining and nothing else, as being one of best cities in the world to live in.

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