Saturday, December 23, 2006

Bastard flyers

I just can't understand why these travellers at the airport are bitching!
Extreme weather is extreme weather - what the fuck are the airports supposed to do?? There isnt an airport in the world that could handle this fog.
Heathrow has set up marquees, put people in hotels, provided blankets, sleeping mats, hot drinks and food, childrens toys...and still flyers are whining. "I dont want to come on holiday and have to stand in a queue"
Oh really? Thanks for those words of wisdom - I'd never have guessed! Usually when I go on holiday I like to stand in a queue at the airport for a few days...maybe travel agencies should start asking customers if this is a requirement or not?
I can grumble and complain with the best of them but when we start calling for people to be sacked because of the weather we're taking the piss.
Get a grip and realise that shit happens!
Bastard flyers!
PS Obviously the real answer is that we need more than two runways at Heathrow (all Euro ones have 3, 4 or 5)...but I bet then it would be the same bastard flyers turning into tree-huggers and complaining about the bastard effect on the bastard environment.


Chairmanofthebored said...

Here, here. It's clear how frutrating this can be but as you have stated, hardly BA's fault. Perhaps these people have not been good enough and it is God who has punished them in such a way? After all, he's a vindictive bastard!

igotlife said...

If we were journalists - I guarantee we would have started suggesting that to the gumbling wankers!

iamjack'simpotentrage said...

Tiananmen Square?!

Full-english said...

Tiananmen square wasnt all that really was it? The French know how to stage a really good revolution, and they complain about everything.

australians never complain either, unless they are loosing!

igotlife said...

wierdly the two I heard were an Aussie (who got rinsed on the radio), an Eastern European woman (who always travelled 1st class), and a Portuguese guy
I think the example of the Cinese is pretty apt though...centuries of not complaining, a revolution, and a state where complaining was banned!