Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Is there anything human beings are incapable of becoming desensitised to?

People crap in eachothers mouths for pleasure.
People blow up little children.
People conduct gas chamber genecide, rocket launcher genocide, and burry people alive.
People eat other human beings.
People are quite at east speaking about 2million dead, 40 million dead... war, famine, disease.
People who rape babies get a couple years in prison.
People will torture others including dissolving their limbs in acid, poking holes in every imaginable place, straining, breaking, cutting, and poking in every imaginable way.

And that's the thing, nothing is unimaginable, nothing too grotesque for human indifference, nothing which doesn't require just a tiny bit of justification and adjustment. And who provides the justification? Corrupt, inbalanced, and infantile leaders through repetative, naive (or corrupt), and wholey pandering media.

Even our "righteous indignation and shock" has limits, is easily manipulated, and rarely channeled except for political ends.

Reality is insane.


Chairmanofthebored said...

don't think there is anything humans can become descensitised to. Our abliity to adapt is what keeps us sane even if we are submerged in madness.

igotlife said...

but its better than it was - at least we live in a time where largely people DONT agree with these things...there was a time when the concept of 'caring about other people other than family' was unheard of.
Things are getting better

Poxinfinite said...

I can't agree. Back when we didn't care about people outside of the family, we didn't slaughter over 100,000,000 people inside 100 years, nor did we drop atomic bombs, nor did we think it was a good idea to have suicide bombings, or alternatively, that blowing up 100 people with a cruise missile launched from a ship 50 miles away was civilised and caring.

igotlife said...

we wouldve if we couldve...and without any of the concerns of whether it was right or wrong

Gipperfan said...

I don't think it is desensitisation, more that we have been brainwashed into tolerance of all alternative lifestyles and repeatedly told that being judgmental is the ultimate sin.

Poxinfinite said...

That's what I'm getting at.

Back then I'd be able to chop your penis off and probably eat it. But I'd do it personally.

Now we are accountable, say, for a bomb exploding and killing a few hundred people but it is civilised because of necessity and distance.

Personal service with a smile is more sensitive even in it's complete barbarity.

Slaughter houses packaging meat versus hunting your own food. That's what I'm getting at. Sure we don't like that things have to die, I'm saying reality is weird in that we think it's still necessary and so ok to deep fry 100,000 people in a nuke if that's what it takes. We then still think we have a higher civilisation than a man willing to do his part to kill 100 people directly. I say that man is more civilised.

Anonymous said... have asked this blog several times to remove a quote linked to my email address which I did not post. All I have asked is for it to be deleted so that my email is not linked to the hatred poured out here. I dont know who posted it and why, but it is not me

Anonymous said...

Don't blame it all on Australians, barely any of them things happen. If they do its very rarely. Yes there are idiots here but there are really kind people here that get out of way to help them. Them people are strangers.

Anonymous said...

Don't say that! I'm Aussie and I know the nicest bunch of people. You don't even know! You probably haven't even been to Australia! So don't go saying how crap Aussies are when you don't even probably know anyone australian.

Anonymous said...

Quit crying and go fist yourself

Anonymous said...

Wow these negative comments obviously come from some negative people. if you don't like us then don't associate yourself with us.
Write about something more positive and perhaps less judgmental.

Anonymous said...

It's funny when Brits claim Aussies are racist- after they elected to leave the Eu because they are ignorant illiterates who can't find an ounce of pity in thier hearts for refugees.

bigozt said...

I was looking for the place to say it and yes FUCK Australia DIBP!!! IELTS and Skills Assessment are money making scams that rip off and humiliate immigrants. The points system is bull shit. All of Australia's employers and trade bodies gang up to place all kinds of protectionist barriers. Oz nurses practice special cock sucking therapy which needs $20,000 licensing and local experience. Pauline Hanson's Nazi party gets into parliament which shows Australia's multi cultural experiment has going to the dogs. The way Oz treats its refugees off shore reflects its mentality, which is why a doctor couple serving their community gets deported because the Oz state says their special case son costs too much in public health funds. I hope the China rich move all their money out and yeah, I would never hire or buy Australian ever.

ScorPio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ScorPio said...

Not the case is it you knob. And I seriously hope you’re not an Aussie calling a Brit an ‘illerate’ caise that would be the biggest joke of the century. Literally

Anonymous said...

Look at the Economic Complexity Index. Australians are below developing countries. Hamburger eating bogan shut