Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Test tube meat

Can’t wait to tuck into lab grown meat in a couple of years…no animals being slaughtered, no land being wasted on greedy meat eaters, no BSE and best of all, reduced saturated fats and added omega oils – yum.

What is the fuss about? Willow trees used to cure headaches and now the molecular pattern is synthesised so we can just take a pill – our kids will laugh at our distaste - excuse the pun.

Build me the protein sheets, I say.


igotlife said...

Shamon...bring it on!

Chairmanofthebored said...

As with all these new developments, the main worry is safety. Will this meat be healthy in the long term?

The jury is still out on GM, hydrogenated fats are now thought to cause cancer and are known to raise cholesterol.

It all sounds a bit too far fetched to me and perhaps a bit too good to be true. It also goes against the recent trend in organic, Free range and locally sourced meat.

I think i'll still be eating the good old fashioned beef from a cow rather than something a scientist knocked up in a lab with a few strands of DNA and a dash of jiz.